13 - nandayo

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Walking through my father's corridor to the office, I finally end up to door I never thought I'd go through. I knock on the door to see if anyone's inside.

"Why are you knocking? Can't you just feel their-" I cut him off by kicking the door open with chakra. "I thought this was going to be an in and out type of thing." Sasuke whisper yelled. "Well if we're burning things, he's already gonna know we were in here, sooo" He just sighs.

We walk in to find an office like the Hokage's, except there's no windows and the only thing that's illuminating it are candles. "You take the candles, I'll make my own." He nods and proceeded to observe his surroundings.

I took the metal trash bin and stuffed most of his scrolls and papers into the bin and conjured a pink flame in my hand. Sasuke observed me quietly as I minimize the flame to my finger. I touch the edge of the paper and the bin lights on fire. I smile at the fire and turn my attention to Sasuke.

He seems to be a little surprised at my sinister smile, but he'll get over it. I proceeded to throw more items like I'm sacrificing for Jashin.


I observe the candle she told me to use and I then turn my attention to Y/N. She goes through the cabinets like she knows what are which. She knows this place like the palm of her hand.

Y/N makes a small flame in her and I see her open her eyes and they start glowing a pink color as well as her streak. She makes the flame smaller and goes on to light the bin on fire. She makes a sadistic smirk towards it. It gave me the chills. So much for working in the T&I building.

After going around and burning things, we find that most of the unimportant papers are discarded and she left the most important papers hidden on a dusty shelf.

"Are we done?" I ask. "One last touch." she says. I watch her walk over to the door she kicked down in the beginning. She walks back into the hallway and I follow her.

I realize she had a chakra string attached to her leg and it's tied to her ankle and ends at the door knob. We walk out the building and see her father walking inside the office and quickly pissed of at the sight of the pink flames.

She then sets her foot on fire and the door knob burns, then burns the door, then burns the walls. The whole office is on fire!

"What did you do?" I ask furiously. I thought she only meant childish pranks, not burning a whole branch down! "Calm down, Sasuke, knowing my father he probably memorized those documents and you see that white streak in his hair?" I nod at her to proceed. "His fire level is stronger than mine, it starts with red, then blue or pink depending on your gender, then the last level white. He can stop that fire if he wanted too by will."

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I had in me. She giggles and grabs my hand and we run back to her apartment. We jump through the window and we burst out laughing at that bastard's reaction. It's been so long since I've laughed.

"I'm glad I made you happy, Uchiha." "Thanks, Moyasu." "No problem!" She grins widely at me. I blush at the thought and turn my attention to her kitchen. "Since I basically ditched the restaurant, I can always make my famous tomato soup!" "Famous, I haven't heard of it." Her smile falters and she grunts under her teeth. "One day Uchiha, one day!"

She walks to her room and quickly changes into different clothes as I take off my jacket and untuck my shirt. She walks out in a long blue t-shirt and some black sweatpants.

She then gets some ingredients and starts to cook the soup. She seemed focused to make it and soon I realized I was staring. "And you thought I had fallen for you, get it together duckbutt." I blush at the nickname and look away. "Whatever N/N." She laughs and continues to cook.

Soon she's done and we both sit at her island in her kitchen and we have a conversation about each other. Soon we realize it's midnight. This probably had to be one of the longest nights, but most fun. Definitely.

"Well I need to get going, we're going to have the chunin exams and I'm not trying to mess up my sleep schedule." "Alright Uchiha, like it's not already messed up." She walked me out and waved goodbye.

I started walking and soon I halted. I ran back to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "See you tomorrow, N/N!" And I walk off and I hear her yell at me, "Nandayo, Sasuke!!"

 "See you tomorrow, N/N!" And I walk off and I hear her yell at me, "Nandayo, Sasuke!!"

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