28 - team taka

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yall i did my research, watched episode 140 and 141, got some insight, omg it was so sad even though i knew what happened really but seeing the actual episode, 😭

yall i did my research, watched episode 140 and 141, got some insight, omg it was so sad even though i knew what happened really but seeing the actual episode, 😭

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I groan from the pain in my head as I open my eyes to see myself in a home. I honestly thought I was going to die back there. What happened was just luck. I guess I still have a life to live.

I sigh as I sit up and look around. When my attention diverts to the ground, I see Sasuke sleeping on the floor tossing and turning.

"Hey, hey! Wake up!" I shake him gently as he violently opens his eyes. He proceeds to sit up and he looks at me.

"Do you know how the leaf village came to be?" He asks me. I look away from him as I collect my thoughts and close my eyes.

"I don't know the full story, I know there was a war between the Senju and the Uchiha. Soon there was a truce, Hashirama Senju became first Hokage and some rebellion happened after that."

My eyes shoot open and I look back to him. "Why do you ask?" I suspiciously ask him. "A man named Madara Uchiha, he told me the truth of Konoha. And the truth, about Itachi."

"Did you believe him?" "I didn't want to." I clutches his head and I sit down next to him on the ground. "He told me the Uchiha were planning to overthrow Konoha and Itachi's mission was to slaughter the clan."

My eyes widen as I don't know what to say. "Do you think this is true?" I only look to the ground as a tear falls down. I realized I've been lying to him all this time.

What am I going to do when I say I know the truth? "Y/N, do you know something about this?" He asks his voice more stern. "Yes I did, but I only knew the full truth of Itachi after he died."

"Whenever we were still in Konoha, the Itachi I knew was a pacifist. He could never slaughter his own family, his clan, unless it was for something. Something he adored. I realized that was you."

Sasuke's eyes widen as he seems to think he's the only one who didn't know. "He wanted to die as a criminal and leave you with the pride of the Uchiha clan. But I never knew it would end this way." My voice breaks thinking about my old teacher.

I hug Sasuke as he clutches my shirt and I hold in my arms while he cries. I guess the whole revenge thing backfired on him.

-time skip-

"This team will now be known as team Taka. Our goal, is to destroy the leaf village and rebuild the Uchiha clan. For Itachi."

The team doesn't say anything knowing how he feels about his brother. I don't say anything either. I just don't know what to say.








I listen to my headphones as each of team pretty much stayed quiet after that. I keep myself occupied with my sketchbook and music as everyone else does their own thing.

It feels so out of place. Suigetsu is melting in his corner, Jugo seems to be in his own head space, Karin isn't even touching Sasuke, and the Uchiha himself is glaring at the floor.

I only sigh and divert my attention back to my book as I see an okay drawing of a tree. Specifically the tree in my backyard. My mother loved cherry blossoms. How cliche.

I don't understand why he would destroy the leaf village. Imagine the innocent people dying in the attack. How is he going to attack? We can't defeat the village single-handedly.

I think the only reason I'm going with this is to see my father die in a pit of my own flames and to avenge Itachi. But how am I going to rebuild my clan?

The questions feel my head until I hear someone calling my name.

"Y/N!" I hear Sasuke call me and my focus wavers back to see my hands on fire. I put it out and I only walk outside.


I glare at the floor as I mentally beat myself for my incompetence for the millionth time. If I would be able to join forces with the Akatsuki, I would be able to defeat the leaf village.

I think about it, but then I smell something burning as I look up to see Y/N's hands trembling on white fire.

"Y/N.....Y/N!" she blinks as the fire disappears in her hand. She immediately walks outside as the rest of the team is silent. The tension, so thick, you could cut with a knife.

What am I going to do?

——————————————————>song played:the motions - matthew west

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song played:
the motions - matthew west

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