35 - gentleman

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I hold the leash that's wrapped firmly onto the white horse that I mount with his help. I put my legs around as I make myself comfortable on the seat as I tightly hold on the rope.

"Hey, you're getting there!" He says. I hear the horse make a subtle neigh as he only laughs at the sight. "I think she likes you." I look toward him to see him giving me a closed eyed smile.

I smile back as I set the house running. "Hyah!" The horse begins to move and he quickly mounts his horse more skillfully as he catches up with me with his black horse.

We race each other through the fields as we make comments about how we were going to win the race. I end up winning as I only glare at him in the end.

"You did that on purpose!" He puts his hands in the air as he helps me dismount my horse and he hoists me down with his hands on my hips and mine on his arms to his shoulders.

"I had fun today, Tsuyoshi!" I give him a friendly hug as I wave him goodbye to head back home.

"That went better than I thought it would." I see Sakura catch up with me on my way home. "He's more friendlier than I thought he would be. But I don't think I like him like that."

"Well if you don't want him, I'll gladly have him, he looks so hot." Sakura fawns over my bachelor as I only roll my eyes.

We make it back to my apartment as I see Sasuke lounging on the couch watching TV as I set my belongings on the counter.

"How was it?" He asks me. "It was alright, he's not that bad to be honest." He only raises his eyebrow at me.

"What?! You asked me!" I look at him. He only scowls and looks back to the TV. "You'll be fine Sasuke, what Y/N said was an understatement!," Sakura begins as she sits beside him.

Sasuke stares at her to keep going and I only sigh. "His name is Tsuyoshi and he's so dreamy!! He has long brown hair in a low ponytail with little strands framing his face!,"

Sasuke begins to glare at her and I walk back to my room to change. "His eyes are a pretty gold and his smile is so bright. He's such a gentleman! He does amazing things, even when nobody is looking.."

I walk out my room with a shirt and sweatpants. "It's amazing how you know about my fiancé more than me." I exclaim as I take the pot out the cabinet to put it on top of the stove.

I get the vegetables out and the special ingredient to begin making my special tomato soup. I think the only reason I'm making it is so he won't be as mad after lunch.

I chop the onions and tomatoes to toss in the pot as they simmer. I add butter so it doesn't burn too quickly.

I begin to lower the temperature as I add broth and slowly mix everything together. I then cover the pot to let it boil for a while.

I plop on the sofa on the left side of Sasuke as I put my head in his lap and sit in a fetus position. He brushes my hair with his fingers in acknowledgment while his eyes seem glued to the TV as well as Sakura's.

We sit in basic silence until it's interrupted. Sakura gets up to open the door and I look that way to see Naruto. "You guys decided to get together without me!" His shoulder droop down.

"Who told that dobe we were even here." He growls. I sit up as I hit his shoulder. He winces as I go check on the tomato soup. "You can come in and have lunch with us Naruto!"

Sasuke gives me a look that I blankly ignore, smiling at the blonde ninja at my doorstep. He steps inside as he lounges on the stools behind the island.

I turn around to the stove as I season the soup with different spices and mix it thoroughly through the soup. After it settles in, I put it in a serving dish.

"Sakura can you,?" I turn around to see everyone sitting at the island seemingly waiting for food. I only sweatdrop as I take the bowls and put it on the island for them to take one.

I set the serving dish next to the bowls as I put a serving spoon beside it. They automatically dig in as I see Naruto to be the first one to take a sip. "It's great, believe it!" He devours the soup as he makes a mess around his mouth.

I only chuckle as I sit in the middle of Naruto and Sasuke and serve myself to eat some. "It's not that bad." I say to myself as I delicately drink it with a soup spoon.

"I think I'm gonna start eating here more..." Sakura licks her lips as she's halfway through and Sasuke is on his seconds as he hasn't said a word.

Soon we all finish as Naruto and Sasuke seemed to have finished all the soup. "Thanks for lunch!" Naruto walks out to do who knows what and sets off with Sakura close behind him. "Thanks Y/N, if you got anymore info about your fiancé, I will gladly listen!"

She walks out closing the door behind her as I sigh and plop my ass back on the sofa as I lay on it taking the whole space.

Sasuke only stares at me as there isn't any space for him to sit.

He lays on top of me as his head is on top of my breasts close to my heart. His legs tangle with mine and his arms are behind me as he hugs me.

I immensely blush as he only smirks at me. I wish life was as simple as this.

 I wish life was as simple as this

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