7 - if you'd let me

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Ever since I easedropped on Kae- Y/N and Haku, I've been on edge. I think everybody noticed too. "Sasuke, are you okay?" "Yeah man, you've been kinda off today." My teammates said to me in concern. "I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Sakura says worried. "Hn." I walk away and spot Kakashi giving me a stare. Tsk, why couldn't they mind their own business. Now I'm being suspicious.

-time skip-

After dinner, I stepped out the house to get fresh air. When looking to the stars pointing out the constellations, my teacher came out to me.

"Are you alright, you've been distracted since training?" "Kaen, she's suspicious, she's not who she says she is." "Ah, so you've figured it out." I gave him a confused look. "How did you know?" He looked back at me and said "It's only normal to know about my students isn't it?" "Tell me more about her." He looked back to the sky.

"That's A Ranked information and even if it wasn't, it wouldn't be my place to tell you." he gives me a saddened look and walks away. "Tsk." I look back to the sky and soon head to bed. I walk inside and find Y/N fast asleep hugging her blankets. 'You wish that was you huh? Hn.' I walk to my side of the bed and fall asleep quickly.

-time skip-

I feel myself shaken my a small hand. It's Y/N. "Hn?" I say to her tiredly. "You said you wanted to know more about me, I'll tell you the answers I can, the questions I do answer, you must keep to yourself." I nodded in agreement and sat up and looked her straight in the eye. She then avoided my gaze and said "Go."

"What clan are you from?" "The Moyasu Clan." "Where is that?" "Classified." "Hn. So your name is Y/N Moyasu?" "Yep." "So who else knows this." "Only my clan members, jonin, and Naruto know my full name." "What's your kekkei genkai?" "It's called the Xeringan, but it's details are classified."

'At least she gave me something..' "I noticed you moved to Konoha and you don't show any signs of sadness, any family?" Her eyes widened at the question. "You don't have to answ-

"I haven't experienced a so called 'family' and if I had, they're very vague memories." "Sorry." "Don't pity me, I don't pity you for being an orphan, so don't pity me." My eyes widened and then went back to its emotionless look.

"May I ask why you don't pity me?" Not that I care, but I was kind of confused. "I respect you for surviving this far....except for the fact you're a closet pervert." She says looking away pouting. I sweatdropped.

"Why do you have vague memories?" "I mainly get stories of my mom from the maids. All I remember from memory was the song she sang to me and her personality, otherwise I don't know shit."

Wait, what? Maids?!? "Yes maids doofus." I didn't realize I said that aloud, I mentally slapped myself. "Why do you have maids anyway?" "I've never seen my father face to face and I don't have plans to. He was never there for me. He'd rather protect the clan than be there with me and I honestly don't care if he dies in misery. And he's also the head of the clan."

"What about your mother?" "My mother was the only one who cared while the maids pitied me. Soon she died. Like you wish to avenge your clan, I wish to avenge my mother. We were attacked.

I can't tell anyone in my clan that I'm training to be a ninja, if they find out my dad is gonna flip. Which also means that nobody in my clan can train me, so my kekkei genkai is on its lowest level."

"Chakra natures?" "Since my Xeringan is compared to a chakra nature, ninjutsu itself isn't my strong suit. Genjutsu, I know some easy ones but it isn't as great as Kurenai-sensei. While Taijutsu, I can probably hold Gai-sensei for awhile." She says quickly changing her mood from the last question.

"You said you couldn't be trained by your own clan, who trained you then?" She froze at the sudden question. "Ask me again another time." she said smiling at me. 

Now I'm curious, I'll definitely keep the question in my mind. "Last question Uchiha, I'm about doze off." "Hn. Any goals?" "Like I said if my dad knows I'm a ninja he's gonna flip because my clan follows old-fashioned rules. He thinks only men can be ninja. And I want to prove them wrong and be a role model for the woman of my clan. I also want to expand my clan, ever since the clan was attacked, my clan's population is quite small, so I hope to have a family tree of my own. Unlike my old man who was never there for me. Writing this is giving me Todoroki vibes- And last but not least, to collect my clan's marks. The man who attacked my village stole our marks so I plan to get them back." She says with a determined look.

"Keep this information to yourself..." she lays her head on my lap and she falls asleep. I want to learn more about you Y/N, if you'd let me.

 I want to learn more about you Y/N, if you'd let me

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