34 - congratulations

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It's been a few months of rebuilding the village. The Akatsuki doesn't seem to be at its prime anymore. I'm just glad they haven't come for me yet.

Some parts of the village still need work, but for the most part, everyone seems to have moved back in comfortably and businesses like Ichiraku Ramen have been placed in temporary places.

Now here I am, strolling through the streets of Konoha next to Y/N as we look around for more work to do.

I come out my thoughts to hear "Congratulations Y/N!" She only looks at the citizen confused. "Congrats.....on what?!" She blinks at her.

"Your engagement, I never thought this would come!" She hugs her abruptly as Y/N stumbles in the embrace. 'Engagement?! Since when-!'

Y/N only politely hugs back and pushes away gently as she grabs my hand and darts for it. She releases this angry aura around her that I don't ask her about the sudden engagement.

We end up at a familiar place as I see the sign 'Moyasu Compound' and we walk inside straight for the office.

I still see some singed places from that time we burnt it down. I slightly smile at the thought. "Father!" "Daughter!" He stands up abruptly and rushes to Y/N. He attempts to touch her shoulder as she shrugs it off.

"What did you do?!" She yells at him clenching her hand into a fist. "It's been too long. I'm sorry. I scheduled it for tomorrow at 9:00am sharp." He sits back in his chair as Y/N glares at him.

She only takes my hand again as we go out the compound to our apartment. We sit on the sofa in silence until I decide to speak. "So what about this engagement."

She looks up from her hands to me. "Before you came back home, I was already eligible for clan leader but in order to take place, I would need to marry into another clan."

'At least I know she didn't betray me.' I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I had. "But what about us?" She sighs. "I don't know Sasuke. Would you put me or your clan first?"

I look at her with a wavering look. "What clan?" I only deadpan. "Stop making fucking dead jokes right now and tell me!" She begins to panic and pace around the room.

"Babe, we'll figure it out!" I tell her as I stand up and hug her tightly. She hugs me back as we stay there for a long time. I can hear her little sniffles every now and then.

She then goes limp as I look at her to see her snoring peacefully. I pick her up as I carry her to our bedroom. I place her on the bed as I tuck her in.

I then grab my keys and walk out the apartment to see a knucklehead friend of mine.

-time skip-

"So what do I do?" I tell him the situation as I dumb it down for him to understand. "I wish the best for you man, but can we talk about this when I'm not on a date." He sweatdrops.

I then realize Hinata is sitting beside him as I blush slightly and run out the restaurant in embarrassment.

"What's troubling you so much?" I hear a gruff voice behind me. I turn around to see Kakashi-sensei reading an erotica book to put it in his pocket and turns his attention to me.

"Y/N's in an arranged marriage." His eyes widen and he looks pretty guilty. "I probably should've told you about that." He deadpans.

"So you're telling me we could've avoided this?!" My eyes narrow at his figure. "I mean have you thought about it?" "About what?" I get confused at his question.

"Marrying Y/N." I sigh as I head to my thoughts. I mean I've thought about it once or twice, but that doesn't mean I'm ready for it.

"I honestly don't think it's late. It's better than crashing her future wedding with that weird guy." She shakes his head as he keeps walking around the village.

Weird guy?

Weird guy?

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