15 - it isn't okay

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Well damn. If I knew the chunin exams were like this, I would've given up long time ago. Naruto literally disappeared like twice and now we've encountered Orochimaru. How nice.

"How's your clan doing, Y/N?" Orochimaru smirks at me. "Y/N?" Sakura questions, but I ignore her and snark back "You should know dumbass." "Now that's now way to talk to me. In fact, I actually have a gift for you and the Uchiha."


What gift? I wouldn't be surprised if the gift was death. And the conversation between the snake dude and Y/N, could he be the one who did genocide on her clan?

Stuck in my thoughts, I didn't see our opponent making his move toward Y/N and he suddenly bites her neck while Y/N drops to her knees and lets out a blood-curdling scream.

Fury ran across my thoughts and I try to attack the snake but the same happened to me as I'm on all fours groaning from the pain. But then all I see is black.

-time skip-

As I wake up feeling weak and look at my surroundings and see myself in a cave-like place with Naruto beside me and then I hear fighting outside.

On my guard, I get out the cave and see Sakura with her hair cut short with scratches all over her body and Y/N with extremely serious burns on her body and half the bushes are in pink fire.

Anger consumes me and I suddenly have the energy to fight back.


I feel my arms burn and bleed from the overuse of my Xeringan, after I'm almost going to finish them off, I feel a surge of chakra behind me and see Sasuke fully tamed by the curse mark.

"Who did this to you Y/N?" he asks his voice raspy from just waking up. I just tremble with the adrenaline leaving me and I fall on all fours.

"We did, and what are you going to do about?!" "What am I going to do about it? A whole lot of shit that's for sure." Sasuke replies and goes to him with speed almost unimaginable.

"You seem proud of these arms of yours. Lets see how you'll do without them." Sasuke breaks both his arms and continues on to the next opponent.

I see the rest of the rookie teams retreating and I give a nod to say we'll be fine.

I look to Sakura and see her trying to stop Sasuke, but Sasuke just pushes her to the side and she passes out from exhaustion. I lay her down and I try myself to stop Sasuke.

"Hey! We already won the fight, yield now Sasuke!" He doesn't seem to hear me as he goes after the bandaged dude with a kunai.

I quickly interfere and he stabs me through the stomach. His eyes widens and his curse mark receded. His onyx eyes waters showing emotions for the first and I wrap my hand around his hand that is gripped to the kunai plunged into my abdomen.

"Here. I thank you for saving me." Our 'target' gives us a scroll and I respond "yeah yeah, feelings mutual." They then leave and I look to Sasuke on his knees still gripping the kunai as if it were to kill if he took it out.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, I'm fine, you're fine." I tried to reassure him. "No." "I said that-"


I stare at him with half-lidded eyes and I fall to my knees and Sasuke and I are eye-to-eye. I put my right hand in his cheek and wipe a stray tear from his cheek. "You mean a lot to me Sasuke and I'll protect you no matter what, even if it means my death."

My arm falls back to my side and I feel myself blanking out from the loss of blood. I fall forward as my head lowers to Sasuke's shoulder with my hand still gripped tightly around his rough hand.


I broke the one promise I made to myself. I couldn't protect her. I hurt her. The one person who meant the most to me. I hurt her with my own hands. You fucking dumbass.

 You fucking dumbass

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