6 - if that's even your name

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I woke up to the sunlight from the gleaming window. Then I look up. I start blushing. Why? Maybe because all I see is Kaen's developed....um...swollen chest? I quickly look away and I feel her stirring and tipping slightly. The song she sang me last night. She sounded so angelic. So perfect. I soon get up gently and I lay her down in a better position. I then get ready and head to the forest to start training.

-time skip-


I woke up on my side in an empty room. Where did Sasuke go? Why the hell am I thinking of him? 'Forget that handsome son of a bitch, I need to get my shit together!' I thought as I slapped myself gently.

I got ready and I walked outside. I wandered around the forest and I see this...uh...woman? No, man, collecting herbs. Well that's something you don't see everyday, especially in my clan.

"Suspecting by your amused eyes, mask, and beanie, I can tell your from the Moyasu clan." he said so suddenly. I widened my eyes even wider. I don't think I could get more surprised than this. I soon got into defense formation and asked

"What do you want? My mark, my kekkei genkai? It's always either one of those two-!" "I mean no harm. It was more of a question than a statement anyway." I loosen my position and proceed forward to him.

"What's your name?" "My name is Haku, yours?" "Y/N, but most call me Kaen.....say you look familiar." He then lifts a mask...but not just any mask....a tracker mask. The same one that boy was wearing when he picked up Zabuza. "Oh you were there to collect Zabuza."

"I'll be honest, Zabuza isn't dead." "Why didn't you kill him?" "He means everything to me, even thought I'm merely a tool to him, but I live for him." "Wow. I wish I had someone like that. If I did I'd probably do the same you did, so I don't blame you. But if we end up in battle, don't expect me to go easy on you." I said cautiously as I removed my mask and beanie.

No point in hiding it now if he knows what clan I'm from. He just chuckles in response and says "Of course." We began talking the whole day until he had to go. Little did I know there was a certain Uchiha watching.


Why did she lie? I have so many questions scrambling in my head. Her clan? Her kekkei genkai? The hell I didn't even know she had one! Y/N. That's her real name.

Why didn't she tell us? Why didn't she tell me? And how did that boy know about her? Was it well known? How could I have missed this in the scrolls?

Suddenly I was jumped out of thought by the girl I was thinking about. "Hey, are you alright." "No I'm not Y/N." She widened her eyes at her name and suddenly held a kunai my neck.

"Keep those secrets at bay you stalker." "Not my fault you decided to release your secrets in a public place." She then scowls at me and holds her weapon closer.

"If you want me to keep your secrets, you might as well spill 'Kaen' if that's even your name!" I hiss at her. She gives a saddened look and runs away. I start feeling guilty and I yell "Wait!"

Before I try to run after her, I see a note flying to me. 'The docks, same time we woke up last night.' I then looked back at the tree to see her gone. And I then walked back to the training grounds. Who knew what the morning held...

 Who knew what the morning held

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