LE SSERAFIM Chaewon: Thought

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3rd Person POV

It's 8AM in the morning. Classes don't start yet but students are now in their respective seats

"Hey I heard there will be a new transferee in this class!" Someone said.

"Oh I hope it's a beautiful girl!"

"Ok class attention!" the teacher said

Suddenly, the class was filled with silence.

"Good morning students. Today we have here our new student in our class. Please introduce yourself."

"Hi I'm Kim Chaewon. Nice to meet you! I hope we can get along together easily."

The boys and girls were in awe because of her beauty and adorable features.

"Ok Ms. Chaewon you can sit on the empty seat beside Y/N."

"Ehhh??? Why does she have to sit beside that loser Y/N?" Other boys complained.

Chaewon goes to the seat beside Y/N and sit.

"Hi I'm Kim Chaewon. Nice to meet you! Y/N, right?"

"Y-yeah, I-I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."


Chaewon POV

Morning classes have now ended and now it's lunchtime. I bought lunch from the school's cafeteria and find a table. Then I saw Y/N eating alone.

"Hey is Y/N always alone eating when it's lunchtime?" I asked Mark.

"Yeah he's a loner and has really no friends since the start of classes." Mark said.

"Oh that's sad. I'll try to talk to him."

I went in front of Y/N's spot.

"Hi Can I sit here?" I asked.

There was no answer. He looked to his left, right, and behind him.

"A-are you talking to me?"

"Of course! You're the only one who's sitting in this table."

"O-oh. Ok, you can sit here. But why here? You could've just find another table."

I sat in front of him and started eating.

"Because you look lonely, and I think you need some company. Why? You don't like me sitting with you?"

"I-it's not like that. I mean I'm just a loner and nobody and you're....... popular. You shouldn't be with someone like me."

"Nahh it's okay. Besides, you look like you can be a good friend. So, friends?"

"O-ok. Friends."


Y/N and Chaewon became more closer. They've now became best friends. But Chaewon didn't know that Y/N is in love with her. The more they become closer, the more Y/N's love for Chaewon grew.

"I think I can't hide it from her anymore. She's been noticing my strange actions when I'm with her. But I think she's also in love with me because she's showing signs. She even made me lunch, always walking with me to home. I'm gonna confess to her tomorrow."


"Chaewon why did you make me go to the park?"

"We're meeting someone! Come on, walk faster!"

Me and Chaewon walked to go to the park. After we arrived, we saw a handsome man waving at us. Chaewon hurriedly ran to him and hugged him.

"Y/N this is my boyfriend, Felix."

When I heard the word boyfriend, I feel my chest tighten. She never said something to me about this thing. I feel like I'm about to cry but I'm trying to stop it.

"Hey Y/N are you okay? You're spacing out." I was immersed in thoughts when she suddenly spoke

"O-oh yeah it's nothing. Hi Felix! It's nice to meet you!" I said with a fake smile.

"It's nice to meet you too! Thank you for being a good friend to my Chaewon!"

"Yeah.....friend" I said but I whispered the last word so that they won't hear.

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Nothing. So where do we go now?"


3rd Person POV

Y/N was silent for the whole time, watching the two hold hands, feed each other food, etc. This has deeply hurt Y/N.

Few hours have passed and it's now time to go home.

"So see you again?" Felix said.

"Yeah see you again babe." Chaewon kissed him before walking to go home.

"Hey Y/N let's go?"

Chaewon noticed Y/N's face was gloomy.

"Hey Y/N are you okay? Did something happen?"

Still no answer from Y/N.

"Hey Y/N answer me. You're making me worry, you know."

"Chaewon, I-I like you. Ever since we became closer. When you made me lunch, walking with you when going home, I was very happy. I know I'll be rejected because you have Felix now, I'm just saying this so that I won't regret saying this to you. I can't believe I deceived myself into thinking that you like me too, but in reality, I'm only just a nobody who loves you."

"You don't have to say anything. I said what I already said. Goodbye. Be safe." Y/N walked out with tears falling down from his eyes. Chaewon also can't process what Y/N said to her. Chaewon also walked out and went home.

The moment I arrived at home, more tears started to fall.

"I'm so stupid to think that she likes me back! Stupid! Stupid Y/N! Why did I even think in the first place that a girl like Chaewon will fall for a loser and nobody like me?" I asked myself in my thoughts.

3rd Person POV

What happened in the park was the last time Y/N and Chaewon met. After that, Y/N disappeared from Chaewon's life like a bubble. When she tried to visit his apartment, he was only welcomed with an empty room. No things, no furniture. and no Y/N. She cried and realized,

It was too late.

939 words

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