ARTMS Heejin: Us

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Students talking, voices of students can be heard outside the classroom. Suddenly, a man walks inside the room, silencing the students.

"Ok good morning class. The school admin gave us a form about career evaluation for students. This will help you for your future and finding your dreams and passion. I'll distribute this to each one of you. You'll better be serious in answer this because this is important."

"Yes teacher!" the students answer in unison.

The teacher distributed the forms. The students are happy to answer the form as they knew what to do in life, but there was one boy who's confused and puzzled.

"How am I supposed to answer this when I don't even know what I really want in life." The boy scratched his head with a pencil, looking worried and irritated.

"Mr. Y/N what seems to be the problem? You look worried." The teacher asked.

"I-I'm okay teacher. There's nothing to worry about."

"Hey, what did you write about your ambition?" A girl whispered Y/N.

"I still don't know. How about you, Heejin?"

"I'm gonna be a K-POP idol! I want to perform in front of many people." The girl said cheerfully.

"I see. Good luck with that. I know you're hardworking. And I think your face is enough to be famous."

"S-stop thaat Y/N" Heejin blushed at what he said.

"By the way, why come don't you know what you want in life?" she asked

"I don't know. I feel..... lost. I think I'm just gonna be an engineer, like my father. Because I don't really have a choice either. If I fail, I'm just gonna work at some minimum-wage job and stay single so that I'm the only one who suffers."

"Yahh you're too pessimistic. I know you're gonna be successful someday. Just trust the process. And don't worry too much about it. We're still young. Still have more time and room to grow."

"Thanks Heejin. You're the best."

"Yeah I know." The girl gave a good-job thumb and winked.

"OK class pass the papers if you're finished!" the teacher said.

"Hey are you gonna pass yours?" Y/N asked Heejin.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Can you pass mine too?"

"Sure why not."


"Finaaally classes are over. I can now continue reading Stone Ocean at home."

Y/N packed his things and left the room.

"Heejin!" he shouted.


"Wanna go home together?"

"Sure let's go"

Y/N and Heejin's house are near, so they both go home together.

"Hey I feel hungry. Wanna grab some food?" Y/N said, with a hand in his stomach.

"Of course I'm down."

"All right! Let's go get some takoyaki."


"Phew I'm so full, I think I won't be able to eat dinner." Y/N said.

"You ate so much takoyaki. Is your wallet still good?" Heejin joked.

"I still have some money. I'm good."

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