ITZY Yuna: Valentine Letter

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"Hey, Y/N, hey! Y/N? Are you okay?" As I was immersed in my thoughts, someone was snapping his fingers in front of me. It was Lia.

"Oh hey Lia. Sup?"

"I'm good. You? You seem thinking about something."

"I'm planning to confess to Yuna tomorrow, on Valentine's Day. I'm thinking of how would I do it." Yuna is my long-time crush. She's one of the popular girls in our school. She's really beautiful and also approachable and easy to befriend.

"Ooohh since Yuna is a close friend of mine, I can help you with that."

"Nah I'm okay, just need a little help on what will I give to her."

"Yuna really likes chocolates, so try and find the best chocolate you can give!"

"Really? Ok I'll buy chocolates tomorrow morning."

"So how are you going to tell her?"

"I'm going to sneak a letter into her locker. But that part is a hard one.

"I can help you with that!"

"Really? Just don't fail, ok?"

"Leave it to me."

"Ok! It's set then. I'm gonna tell her how I feel tomorrow."

"Good luck with that!"
It's morning in school. The school is filled with heart decors. Many people are also wearing red shirts. But it's all set. Lia has slipped the letter into the locker, and I have the chocolates that I will give to her. The only thing that isn't done is telling her how I feel.

"I hope she accepts my confession."

Yuna POV
As I open my locker, there's a blue envelope with a heart on the middle of it. I opened the envelope and there's a letter inside it.

"Meet me at the school rooftop after class."

"Ooohh a letter? I wonder who could it be?" Lia said. Who is it? I'm getting curious.

It's now lunch time. I went to the cafeteria and buy some food.
I find an empty seat and sat there. Suddenly, girl's screams can be heard. I turned around and it's Yeonjun, the popular guy in our school. He's not just popular because of his looks, he's also got everything. Intelligence, money, and athleticism. He's got all of them. He's the perfect guy. I think he's planning to confess to her crush in front of everyone. But who could it be?


"CHOI YEONJUN I ALSO LIKE YOUU!!" Yuna shouted. Everybody was screaming. The most popular guy and my crush became a couple, in front of me, on Valentine's Day. I was late. I should've not waited until Valentine's day. I tried my best to hide my tears.

"Of all girls, why Yuna? Why?" I said to myself. I wish I didn't just plan it. I wanted to just leave. It really hurts to see them.

"So she didn't even tried to come, huh." I said. Comparing to Yeonjun, I'm just a wimp. I'm just a nobody. Yeonjun's got it all The two are also popular. They are compatible with each other.

"Why did I do it in the first place? Oh well, just gonna leave this here and cry." I left the chocolates with a letter. No one's gonna get this anyway.

Yuna POV
"I completely forgot the letter!" I went to the rooftop. As I'm on the way to the rooftop, I saw a guy crying.

"Why is he- oh not gonna think about that, the one who gave the letter must be waiting for me"!

As I reached the rooftop, there's no one there. Instead, I saw a box of chocolate and beside it is a letter. I took the chocolates and read the letter.

"Dear Yuna,

   So, it's Yeonjun, huh. Congrats to both of you! Anyways, I'm the one who sent you the blue letter. Ever since I met you, my whole life got better. Even though you don't even notice me at all, your presence makes my day. Your smile, your face, your kind personality, everything. But when Yeonjun confessed at you, I was there. I was hoping that you won't accept but it's not. It's not that I'm mad because you didn't choose me.

Even though I like you, nobody knows
Even when I see other girls, nobody's like you
I'm sorry for having no courage
You can laugh at me all you want

I'm just a loser who loves you
Yes, I'm a misery
To you, I'm a nuisance, I'm an outsider
But in this world, I only need you.

- Kang Y/N"

771 words

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