IVE Wonyoung: You

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"We don't want to be friends with you. You're so weird."

"Y/N? Where's your partner? I told you to find a partner for this activity."

"Can someone take Y/N as his partner?"

"Why couldn't you be like ____? He has better grades than you! He's also aiming to get a scholarship from Harvard! How about you? Average grades, always playing all day, don't even have a passion or a dream? I can even compare you to a dead man! And the dead man still has uses. But for you? You're so useless. I wish you weren't even born in the first place."


2nd quarter of classes have started here in Mirae University. I'm walking on my way to my classroom, with my backpack, slouching and head down low.

After a few moments, I arrived at my classroom and went inside. The teacher's still not present. I went and sat on my assigned seat.

"Hey have you watched the final season of Attack On Titan?"

"Yeah it was doooopee."

"Right? I still wonder why do they hate the animation. The studio's doing great."

I hear my classmates talking about some new trends, anime, games while I hear my other classmates talk about girl stuffs. Not that I care about them though, since I don't have any friends.

"Yah I heard from my friend from other section that they have a transfer student. And he said she's really beautiful!"

"Transfer student huh. I guess I can finally see some new face here."

"Ok Good morning class!" The teacher arrived.

"Good morning teacher." The class said in unison.

"Ok we'll start our lesson for today......"


"Aaand that's our lesson for today! Don't forget to do your homework! And that's by pairs. Goodbye!"

My classmates start to find their partners. Slowly, I was the only one without a partner.

"Guess I'll do it alone again."


The final bell had rang and classes have now ended. I fix my belongings and left the classroom.

While I was walking alone in the hallway, I bumped into someone, making their books fell down to the ground. I picked up their books and after looking up, I saw a girl. She's beautiful though but I've never seen her. She must be the transfer student they are talking about.

"T-thanks for the help." The girl said.

"N-no problem."

"Can I ask what's your name? I'm Wonyoung. Jang Wonyoung." she said.

"Y-Y/N. Jeon Y/N."

"Ok Y/N see you!"



I have arrived at my house. If you didn't know, I live alone. My parents have abandoned me. We used to live here but now I'm the only one living here. I put down my bag, changed clothes, and ate dinner. After eating, I brushed my teeth and slept.



"Arrgh the alarm clock's so annoying. And it's time to go school again. Whatever, I don't even have any future." I woke up from my bed, changed clothes, ate breakfast, and went to school.

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