ITZY Yeji : Monty Hall Problem

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"Hey, hey, have you heard?"

"What is it?"

"There will be a new student in this class. I heard it's a guy."

"I hope it's a handsome one."

"Okay good morning class!" As the teacher went inside the classroom, the class became silent and arranged themselves.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon!" The class said in unison.

"Before we start our class, there will be a new student that will be your classmate.

"Hello everyone. I'm Moon Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"He's cute but......he's short."

"I agree. If only he was taller then he would be more handsome."

"Okaayy Mr. Y/N you can sit beside Mr. Son."

After his introduction, Y/N went to sit where the teacher told him to.

"Hi! I'm your energy boy Son Youngjae! Nice to meet you!" He said in a cheerful and enthusiastic way and extend his hand for a handshake.

"H-hello. Moon Y/N." Y/N shook his hand.

"You can also call me Eric." He said in English.

"Oh okay. Eric." Y/N said.

After their exchange of greetings, the class started.


"Hey Y/N. Want me to show you around?" Eric asked.

"Sure. I'm still not familiar with the rooms and buildings here."

"Ok. Let's have lunch first. Then I'll show you around. Call?"


They both went to the school cafeteria. They were met with many students eating.

"Let's find a table first before we get our food." Eric said.

After a moment of searching, they finally found a table for two. They put on their bags on their seats so that everyone would know it's reserved for them.

Unfortunately, the line for the food is long. They have to wait for a while to get their food.

"Arghh why is the line so long? I'm so hungry." Y/N expressed his frustration.

The line slowly gets shorter, causing both of them to move forward.

"Well at least the line's getting shorter. Let's just be patient." Eric said.

After waiting, they finally get their turn. They got their meal, and went to their seat.

"Finaally we got to eat." Eric said.

They both are eating their meals.

"Hey, am I really that short?" Y/N said.

"What do you mean? The important thing is you're handsome. That's all." Eric said.

"So are you saying that I'm really short?" Y/N asked, annoyed by the statement Eric said.

"W-well, you are, but, you can still get taller! Don't lose hope." Eric tries to cheer up Y/N.

"Eric, we're the same age, but because of our height gap, you look like you're older than me. Girls won't like a short guy, right? And I've tried many ways to get taller, even mast-"

"OK OK stop stop. It's getting inappropriate now. I'm sure there are girls who would still like you. Let's just finish our lunch and I'll show you around. Okay?"

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