OEC Choerry: Playing Safe

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A/N: I'll be using Choerry's real name here because it fits(?) with the story. Anyways enjoy!


I'm with my friend Juyeon eating lunch at our school cafeteria.

"Hey have you watched the new anime Jujutsu Kaisen? I heard the animation's so sick and amazing."

"Yeah I heard the story's amazing too! But I haven't finished watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, I'm still on part 4. Maybe I'll watch it after."

While me and Juyeon are talking about stuffs, I saw Choi Yerim, my crush, eating with her friends at another table. I fell in love with her because of her beauty and adorable charm and she is also kind. She gives off happy energy vibes, so whenever I see her, I automatically smile.

"Gosh she is so beautiful" I thought. I stared at her for too long, not paying attention to what my friend is saying.

"So his powers are- wait, are you even listening? Hey! Y/N!" I was snapped back to reality.

"O-oh yeah I was listening." I lied.

"Oh yeah? Then what am I saying earlier? And why are you looking that wa- wait are you looking at Yerim again?"

"Y-yeah, I can't help it."

"Dude she doesn't even know you exist! And we're only losers. We're not popular like those guys like Hwang Hyunjin or Jung Jaehyun." Juyeon said, making me realize things. He's right. There's no way she'll like me, nor even notice me.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I looked at Yerim's table for one more time, hoping for her to look at me, but she was busy chatting with their friends. Feeling defeated, I continued to eat my food.


The final bell rang and classes have ended. I pack my things, fixed my seat, and left the classroom. Then I saw Juyeon at the gate. I went and approached him.

"Hey Y/N! Wanna go home together?" Juyeon said.

"Sure dude! Oh, before we go home, wanna go to 7-11 and grab some food?"

"Great idea! Sure let's go!"

Me and Juyeon went to 7-11 to eat. I ordered pork bun and some lemon slushie drink. After eating, we walked together.


"So, see you again tomorrow?"

"Yeah see you again! Be safe!" I said as we went on our own ways.

I arrived at home, with my cat welcoming me.

"Oh Momo how are you? Did you eat?" I said but he just meowed at me.

"Oh that's great then." I said, pretending to understand his meow.

"Oh Y/N you're home! Come join us for dinner!"

"Ok mom just gonna change clothes and put my bag in my room!"

I went to my room to put my bag down and changed my clothes. After changing, I went out of my room and ate dinner with my family.

After eating dinner, I brushed my teeth, did some skincare routine, and went to my room and laid on the bed. There weren't any homeworks or projects to do, so I used my phone for a bit and slept.

"Ch-Choi Yerim I love you!"

"Y/N I love you too!"


"Why? Don't believe me? Here." She leans on me, her face is too close. Then she suddenly kis-


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