ITZY Ryujin - Not Shy, Not Me

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"Y/N, we're here!"

"Oh, already? That was fast."

Y/N gets out of the car. Sounds of students are audible in front of the school. Many parents are also sending their kids to school, much like Y/N. But the ones who really stood out was a black car, followed by another 2 black cars. It was like a mafia boss sending his kid to their school.

"Good luck to your 1st day of school Y/N! Remeber that this is a really different school compared to the old school you went, so do your best!"

"Thanks dad! I'll do my best!"

After watching Y/N went in the school, Y/N's dad had left.

"Ryujin-ah, be safe, okay? If someone bothers you, just give us a call, okay?"

"Why do you have to be with your men? You're just getting more attention."

"You never know what's going to happen my daughter. Do you want an escort?"

"No thanks dad. I'll be fine on my own."

"Okay then. Off we go."

First black car went off, followed by the other 2 cars.

Y/N was overwhelmed by the number of students in the school. He feels like his energy was drained, since he is not used with this number of students. Suddenly, the students are crammed in the same place, like someone well-known is in the school.

"H-hey is that Shin Ryujin?"

"Woah she's so beautiful. Do you think I can be her boyfriend?"

"Hell no! She's way out of your league."

"Did you know that Ryujin's family is rich?"

"I heard their house is so big."

As Y/N went in to join the crowd, he heard those kind of conversations. Curious, he tried to ask a student about it.

"H-hey can I ask what is happening here?" Y/N said.

"You don't know? The famous and prettiest girl Shin Ryujin is here!"

"Who's Shin Ryujin?"

The student points at Ryujin, who's walking with her other friends.

"Woaahh she does look really pretty and charismatic. She really has that popular girl vibes" Y/N said.

"Yeah she does. That's why other men won't even try to get close to her. If you manage to, let's just say you're the luckiest."


After finally finding his designated classroom, he went in, only to see an almost full room. He chose to sit in the middle, just like when he was in his old school.

Suddenly, Shin Ryujin, the most famous and pretty girl, went inside the classroom where Y/N also belonged. The students were shocked, with an exception for Y/N, not knowing what's happening.

Ryujin scans the classroom to find a seat. She then walks to the seat, beside Y/N.

"May I sit here?" the girl asked.

"S-sure, you can." He said.

"You're new here. Name?" Ryujin asked.

"Y-Y/N. Yang Y/N."

"Ok Y/N. Nice to meet you. I'm Shin Ryujin." She extends her hand to Y/N.

"I'm Yang Y/N." They both shake hands.

"You already said that."

"O-oh, yeah haha." He could only chuckle at what he did was so awkward. Ryujin now sits beside him.

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