OEC Jinsoul : Fooled

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A/N: Cheers to YodaMyLoves for helping me with this oneshot. Appreciate it bud!

"Phew finally this boring class has ended. I can eat lunch now" I said as I pack my things and left the classroom. As I went on our school's cafeteria to have lunch, some girls went to talk to me.

"O-oh hi Choerry-ssi and Kim Lip-ssi, w-what are you doing here?" I said. It's Choerry and Kim Lip.

"Jinsoul wants to meet you at the rooftop after school. She probably wants to confess her love for you." They said.

Jinsoul, Choerry, and Kim Lip are the most famous girls in our campus and they're called Odd Eye Circle. They are student council officers. 3 of them are beautiful but I fell in love more with Jinsoul because she's so kind not like the other two and she's also the president. I can't believe she likes me too!

"O-o-okay. Thanks for telling me" I said as the two left while I continue eating my lunch
"This is gonna be the best day of my life!" I thought.

3rd Person POV
"HA! What a loser. Do you think Jinsoul unnie will like him?" Choerry said.

"Duhh! Y/N's got no friends. He's also a nerd and otaku. He likes those anime things. So childish and weird!" Kim Lip said.

"I think this will be the best prank Y/N will fall for! I wanna see his ugly crying face!"

"Hey girls! What are you doing here?" Jinsoul said.

"Just finished eating lunch. Shall we go to our next class?" The two said.

"Ok let's go!"


I'm finally here at the rooftop. Jinsoul will now confess to me! I finally got to have a girlfriend! She's not here yet though. Maybe I should message her-


"Woah! Splash! Unnie, did you clip it?" Choerry said to Kim Lip

"Yeah! This is gonna be fun!" Kim Lip said while laughing.

"Wait it's a prank! I thought Jinsoul loves me?" I said as I burst in tears. It was all a set-up by the two.

"Oh he's crying! He's crying! Film it! Film it! This will go viral!" Choerry said.

"I'm already filming it!" Kim Lip said as they both laugh at me crying.

"I thought this would be best day of my life" I thought. I ran and left the school crying and wet.

Jinsoul POV
As I'm walking to go home, I saw Y/N walking while crying.
"Did something happened to Y/N? Why is he crying?" I thought. Then I saw Choerry and Kim Lip

"Hey you two! Why are you still here?"

"Uhh... Oh yeah! We cleaned the student council room! Right unnie?

"Y-yeah! We cleaned the room!"

"Oh okay. Wanna walk together?" I said.

"Ok let's go!"


Jinsoul POV
I'm walking to go to class when I saw students watching a video while laughing. I peek on what they're watching and it's Y/N crying!

"Bro he's crying! What a loser HAHAHAHAHAHA!" One student said as he's laughing non-stop.This isn't funny! This is not OK for me!

"What happened to him?" I asked the student.

"Oh he thought his crush was gonna confess to him so Choerry splashed him a bucket of cold water while Kim Lip's filming it and he suddenly cried! What a crybaby! HAHAHAHAHA-

"Stop laughing." I said with a stern face.

"O-o-okay." The student said.

I'm walking at the hallway on the school to go to my next class but the students here are laughing at me. The prank isn't even funny at all. I think I'm about to cry again. I wish I wouldn't have gone to school today.


Jinsoul POV
I just bought lunch from the cafeteria. I went to find an empty seat and I saw Y/N eating alone, again. I went to Y/N's table so that we can talk.
"Hey Y/N-" as soon as I started talking, he immediately stood up and went to another table.

Jinsoul POV
After that incident Y/N has been avoiding me for a week. When I try to approach he always try to run. I really need to talk to Y/N after school.


I was packing my stuff after our last subject, when the school's secretary Yves gave me a letter signed by Jinsoul herself.

Dear Y/N,
Meet me at the school's biggest tree after school.


"Why is she still trying to talk to me after she pranked me?" I asked myself.

*sigh* "Well, worth the shot."

I went to where Jinsoul and I would and I saw her standing. I approached her.

"Hey Y/N, I just want to say something to you." She said.

"What will you say to me? Are you gonna do that again? If you will make fun of me again, then I better just leave." I said. At this moment I was about cry.

"Huh? I don't know what are you saying Y/N" she said with a confused look.

"What do you mean you don't know what you're talking about? You, Choerry, and Kim Lip planned that right? Choerry said you were about to confess to me. I went at the rooftop and waited for you! I was just about to message you when suddenly Choerry splashed me with cold water while Kim Lip's recording! You don't know how hurt I was!" I said while crying.

"Y/N I don't really know what are you talking about!" She said.

"Stop pretending!" I shouted at her and when I was about to leave. Jinsoul hugged me.

"Y/N, please, I want to talk to you and I really don't know what are you talking about." She said while crying.

"O-okay, okay. I'll talk to you. Stop crying."

"So before I start, can you tell me what really happened?"

"When I was eating my lunch, Choerry and Kim Lip approached me. They said you want me to go to the rooftop and confess to me. When I went to the rooftop, you weren't there, so I waited. When I thought that you're getting too late, I was about to message you when suddenly Choerry splashed me with water while Kim Lip's filming."

"Ahh so that's why I saw you crying when I was about to walk home!" She said.

"Wait you saw me at that time?"

"Yeah and that's also the reason why I saw those two. They said they cleaned the student council room"

"Uh-uhh... I just realized something."


"I just confessed to you that I like you haha." I feel embarrassed right now.

"Don't worry. I like you too."

"How am I supposed to know that it is real or another prank again to make fun of me?

"Then how about this?"

"Wha-" I was stopped when she planted her lips with mine.

"D-d-did y-you just k-kiss me?" I said while blushing.

"Yes. Now do you believe me?"


"I love you Y/N!"

"I love you too, Jinsoul"

1203 words

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