Kim Hyunjin : Collar

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A/N: Thanks YodaMyLoves for helping me for this oneshot!

"J-Jang Wonyoung I like you! Please go out with me!"

"I-I'm sorry. But I don't feel the same way."

"Bu-but I thought you also like me?"

"I'm sorry but I like someone else. We can still be friends right? Sorry I have something to do I have to go now."

"O-okay. Thanks for the time. Goodbye."

After she left, I also went home, crying. My long-time crush just friendzoned me. Just as I thought I had a chance on her, she rejected me. When I was walking home, I saw a collar. I picked it up as I thought I could wear it to my cat. As I arrived at the house, my cat was waiting.

"Hello Hyunjin! Are you hungry?" I said to my cat as I pet her. I live alone, so this cat always keeps me company. I gave her food and do some school works and slept.

I woke up early to prepare for school. I take a bath, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, wear uniform, and packed my things. When I was about to leave, my cat approached me
"Oh Hyunjin I'm leaving for school now. Oh wait you need to wear this!" I put on the collar. It fits my cat. After I put on the collar, I went to school.

"Phew finally school has ended."
I said as I pack my things and left the classroom

"Hey Y/N wanna stop by at 7-11 to eat?" my friends said.

"Of course! Let's go!" I said

Me and my friends went to 7-11 to buy some food. After we bought, we sat on a table.

"Hey did you know about the rumors of cats turning into human?" Dave asked.

"Huh? There's no way that's real." Jason said.

"Where did you hear those rumors?" I asked.

"Well rumors say that there's a magical collar when you put it on your pet, it becomes human!" Dave said.

"Well I found a collar yesterday on my way home but there's 0% chance that's the collar you're talking about." I said.

"Well, rumors are rumors." Dave said.

"Have you all finished eating? Let's go home!" I said.

"Ok let's go!"

"Hyunjin, I'm home. I bought you treats, where are you?" I said.

There's no sign of Hyunjin anywhere. No meowing, sound of eating at her bowl, even her squeaky toy, nothing.

Then I saw a silhouette of a human figure in the bathroom. "Who's there? Why the hell are you in my house?" I asked angrily.

But suddenly my eyes cannot believe what I'm seeing, a female figure with cat ears and a tail.

"W-what the fuck? W-who are you?" I asked the girl in my bathroom.

But the girl suddenly jumped towards me and hugged me.

"Nyaa~ master Y/N you're finally home~ I missed you so much~" The girl said in a soft voice.

"H-hyunjin?! What happened to you?" I asked panicked and confused.

"Nyaa~ yes Y/N it's me your beautiful and sweet pet cat~ So, where is my treat?~" said Hyunjin in a mocking manner.

Still confused about what's happening, I gave Hyunjin some treats. She reverted back to her cat form and ate the treats. After eating, she turned into human again.

"Nyaa~ thanks for the treat Y/N!" she said.

"So how did you turned into human?" I asked.

"Well the collar you gave is the reason. It suddenly glow and after that I became human." she said.

"So the rumors true! I thought they weren't real." I said. I still can't believe what's happening right now. Hyunjin's human form is good-looking. The features are on point. And she is...beautiful too... wait.. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING Y/N THAT'S YOUR PET CAT!

"Master Y/N are you okay-nyaa?" she asked.

"Oh umm sorry still can't process what's happening today. Also tired from school works. I think I need to sleep." I said. I'm really tired at this moment. I need to sleep.

"Ok Master Y/N will sleep with Hyunjin-nyaa!" she said.

"But it's really different now since you're now human and a girl so it's also weird to sleep with you on a bed." She pouted and took a pillow and laid on the floor.

"Good night..wait do I still cal l you Hyunjin?"

"You can still call me Hyunjin master!"

"Ok but can you stop calling me master?"

"Ok nyaa~"

"Well good night Hyunjin."

"Good night Y/N. Nyaaw~" she reverted to her cat form and slept on the pillow.

I woke up when I saw a hair and a cat ears on my chest. Wait, it must be-

"H-Hyunjin?! Since when did you sleep on my bed?"

"Nyaaw~ oh good meowrning Y/N! I feel uncomfortable sleeping on the floor so I slept on your bed!"

I got up and made pancakes for the two of us.

"Hyunjin let's eat!" I called Hyunjin."

"Woow pancakes! Nyaa~"

We ate the pancakes and fortunately Hyunjin likes it. After eating I decided to go to mall to buy clothes for Hyunjin. Good thing I have knowledge about girl's outfits since I worked at a fashion store before. I took a bath, change clothes, and left the house.

Hyunjin POV
"Y/N where are you going?"
"Oh I'll just go outside. I'll be back! Goodbye!"

"Ok be safe-nyaa!" I said before he left.

"Nyaa~ I'm bored. Let's watch some TV!" I picked up the remote and turned on the TV. Apparently the show that was airing was a romance show. A man and a woman was sticking their lips at each other. Is this what they call "kiss"? Why are they doing it? I better ask Y/N after.

"Hyunjin I'm home! I bought some food and clothes for you!"

"Nyaa! Food and clothes!" she said happily. She ate the food I bought for her and fortunately the clothes I bought fits her.

"Y/N can I ask something?"

"Yes what is it?"

"Why do other people stick their lips at each other?"

"Oh you mean kiss? It's a way for people to express love to someone. Why ask though?"

"Oh okay! I just saw on the TV where a man and woman kissing and wondered why are they doing it."

We sat on the couch and watched some TV. My phone rang but it was just a message from my friends. After reading the message, I decided to look up at the TV. Apparently it's a kissing scene from another romance drama.

"This is kissing" I said. When I turned to Hyunjin, she was looking at me.

"Hyunjin what are you doing?"

After I said that, she leaned and kiss me on the lips. I was shocked and my eyes widened.

"H-Hyunjin why did you do that?"

"You said it's a way to express love to someone! I love you Y/N! Nyaaw~" she said.

I leaned in to give her another kiss on the lips.

1197 words

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