Kang Hyewon: Perhaps, Love?

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Is it love?

That you're always motivated to attend that one class even though it's boring?

Is it love?

That you're willing to study harder than you usually do because of that one person?

Is it love?

That every time you eat you just smile, for no possible reason?

Love makes us feel things. Happiness, excitement, jealousy, anxiety, and even weird things like butterflies in your stomach.

No matter how trivial or major it is, love can beautifully blossom your grey world into a colorful masterpiece.

Let's tell a story about two young people fell in love with unexpected, weird twists and development.


"School's so boring these days."

"I agree. Nothing special is happening."

"Ridiculous. You have a girlfriend."

"Eyy not that, I'm talking about school events. Like sports festival or something-"

A door suddenly opened, alerting the students inside the classroom. A woman goes inside the classroom, along with a white box that has an opening above.

"Stand up!" The class president lead the greetings for the teacher.

"Good morning Ms. Jo!"

"Good morning class. You may now take your seat."

The class takes their seat.

"So I have something to announce. And I think this is a fun one."

The class pays attention to the teacher, anticipating what she would say.

"This box here, you will all pick a name inside. Once you have picked up a name, you have to be their 'secret friend'. You help them in any way, secretly, be a friend for them without them knowing. Understand?"

"Yes Ms. Jo." They all spoke in unison.

"All right, Jihoon, you pick first. After picking, don't tell others about your 'secret friend'."

The student in the front Jihoon, first picked a name inside the box. The rest of the class take their turns picking their secret friend.

But there was one girl that had the whole class anticipating her picking the secret friend.

Kang Hyewon. A gorgeous and adorable girl at the same time. Face sculpted by God into near perfection. Top of the class, kind personality. The 'she's got it all' type of person. There's no suprise that she would be famous in the school campus.

She put her hand inside the box, then pulled out a small white paper. She opened it up, only to create a confused expression in her face.

This, made her classmates even more curious. Who did Hyewon picked?

'Jung Y/N.'

An unfamiliar name for Hyewon. Is this a boy, or a girl?

"Who's Jung Y/N?" She asked her seatmate.

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