Chuu : Stalk

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My very first oneshot I created. Sorry if the story's bad or there's any grammatical error

At home
"Mom, I'm going to school!"
"Ok son! Be safe" she said as I leave the house.

At school


As I'm walking to our next class, I saw Jinsoul, my crush. She's really beautiful and popular.
"H-hi Jinsoul." I said to her
"Hello Y/N. You look good today!" She said.
"Did she just compliment me?" I thought
"T-tha-thanks" I said while blushing.

"Hey!" Mingyu said as he grabbed my collar. "Don't talk to my Jinsoul or else you'll die!"

"O-okay, I'm sorry!" I said as he removed his hand on my collar.

"You better be" he said as he left with his friends

"Phew that was scary" I said as I continued to walk to my next class.

Chuu POV

"How dare that b*tch talk to my Y/N! He's mine! MINE!" I thought as I stare on Jinsoul with killing intent.

"Hey Chuu where are you looking at? Let's go now!" My classmate said. I stopped staring and walked to our next class.

"I need to get him first before that girl steals my Y/N from me!"


"Hey, I think Jinsoul likes you too" Koji, my bestfriend asked while walking together after school.

"Nah, I don't think so. I'm not handsome and popular like Mingyu. And Mingyu likes Jinsoul too, so you get my point."

"Yeah I get it and- wait, I think someone's following us." Koji said.

"Really? But I don't see anyone." I said while looking everywhere.

" Oh, maybe it's just my imagination." Koji said.

"So I think this is where we separate, right?"

"Yeah, see you again tomorrow!"

"Ok bye!" Koji said as we walk on separate ways.


3rd Person POV

While Y/N is walking, he senses that someone is following him.
"Is there someone following me?" He thought. He looked around but he saw nothing.

"I guess it's my imagination again." He thought and walked again.

But after he reached his home, a girl was behind her and suddenly Y/N became unconcious.
"Hey what are yo-" *bang

Chuu POV
I finally have him. My love of my life, Y/N. I carried Y/N's unconcious body and brought him to my basement. Ahh! The things I want to do with Y/N!

"Uhh..... my head hurts, where the hell am I?!" I said while rubbing my head
"Wait. Why am I handcuffed and tied to a chair!? Is there someone there? Hello? Help!" I said as I tried to break free of the handcuffs and chains.

"Hello Y/N my love, you're awake already, huh." Chuu said with a creepy tone

"Huh? Love? Who are you? And why am I like this?" I shouted to her.

"I'm Chuu, your love of my life." She said with cute but psychotic tone.

"Chuu?! You're classmates with Jinsoul right?"

"Yes. That bit*h wants to steal you from me, so I need to do this" she said.

"What?! But I like Jinsoul to-" I was cut off when Chuu put a knife close to my neck

"Say her name again and I will kill you" she said with a really scary tone.

"O-okay" I said.

"Now Y/N, do you love me?" she asked

"NO I DON'- OUCHH!" he cut my arm and I was screaming in pain

"Y/N?! DO.YOU.LOVE.ME??" she said, still not removing the knife close to my neck.

"Y-ye-yes. I love you, Chuu." I said while shivering in fear.

"Okie. I love you too Y/N! Good boy!" she said while patting my head.


I'm still at Chuu's house. I never got to see my family, friends, and even Jinsoul. He made me like a slave. Every time I don't obey what she says, he cuts me with his knife. I even have her initials carved in my body. She even forces me to make love with her. I admit Chuu is really cute and bubbly, but I never knew she had a "yandere" side. I think I won't ever escape this nightmare anymore. Oh, and speaking, there she is, my "owner".

"Hello my dear Y/N, how are you? she said

"I'm fine"

"Come on let's sleep now" she said and she takes me to her bedroom.

"Y/N let's cuddle!" she said cutely

"Okay" I said

"Ahhh this is better than watching you sleep at night!" she said. She watches me sleep at night?

"S-sl-sleep at night? Since when?" I said with fear

"Hm? Ever since I bumped you at school. I fell for you, Y/N. I stalked you, took pictures of you, I even stole your belongings like your toothbrush, the bottles you use, and the apple you throw away." She said.

It's 1PM now. I'm late for class. I was running so fast. As I was running, I bumped into someone.
Chuu POV
As I was walking, Someone bumped into me. The books that I'm holding fell on the floor
"I'm sorry, are you okay? Here, let me help you with that." He said. I saw his face. It's so handsome. I feel my heart pound so fast.

"I-I-I'm okay. Thanks for the help." I said "What's your name?" "M-my name is Chuu" I said

"What a beatiful name. I'm Y/N. So yeah see you again Chuu!" He said as he started to run again.

"Is this love at first sight?" I thought.

After our encounter, I continued to stalk you, before and after school. I stole your pen that you dropped accidentaly. I also memorized your class schedule so that I know where you will go. I love Y/N more than anyone else.

Flashback End

"O-oh, I see, hehe" I faked laugh. She's scarier more than what I thought

"Ok let's sleep now. Good night Y/N!"


"I will never escape this nightmare" I thought before going to sleep.

Chuu POV
"No one will separate us anymore Y/N, just you and I forever." I thought and looked at him sleeping.

A/N: Wow can't believe I wrote a 1025-word oneshot haha.

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