IVE Wonyoung: Extra

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The sounds of the swords clashing with one another makes a booming sound, enough for everyone in the battlefield to hear. Dust flew in the surroundings, making them hard to see, but the battle still resumes.

[Take this! Breaking the Heavens Swordsmanship, 2nd technique! Butterfly Blade]

Jonghyun gracefully moved his body and sword like they are one entity, as he slashed through his opponent with ease.

Jonghyun's opponent, covered in wounds, fell down on his knees.

"H-how could this be! I, the Demonic Sword God was defeated by-

"What are you reading?"

"Wahh! You scared me there. It's nothing. Just a novel I'm into these days."

"Oh okay."


"Let's go back to class."

Y/N turned off his phone, fix his things, and stood up in order to go their next class.

Kang Y/N, an average boy born to an average family, lived his life reading fictional novels. To put it in different words, reading novels was his only escape to reality. He only has one friend, and that's its only enough human interaction for him at school. According to him, he is just an 'extra', destined for mediocrity or failure, so he doesn't try or make an effort to do his best because life is determined by fate or who has the 'protagonist' traits or in simple words, handsome and beautiful people who are priveleged.

But he has a secret, even his friend doesn't know. He keeps it to himself in order to not get embarrassed in front of everyone. He has a crush, her classmate, named Jang Wonyoung. She, according to him, is a 'girl who came straight out of a novel' because of its appearance similar to the heroine of his favorite novel he read. With her both adorable and gorgeous features, in addition of her kind personality, no wonder she is loved by boys and even girls in their school.


"...and there, you have to base the formula within the super hexagon, multiply the sine theta with cosine theta..."

'Argh, I can't understand a single thing. I wish I was just at home reading novel.'

For the past hour, I haven't been able to understand the lesson. Worst thing is it's mathematics. I guess I'll just watch some Indian math y**t*b*rs at home.

"Kang Y/N-ssi? Will you answer this problem on the board?"

....Damn. I don't know the answer. What will I do? Should I tell the truth? No, I will just be embarrassed. Ah, fuck it.

"I-I don't know the answer, sir."

The teacher's expression changed into an unpleasant one.

"You don't know? I've been teaching here for more than an hour and you still don't know?! Leave this classroom and stand in the corridor. You can't leave unless I told you so. Understood?!"

Damn it. I could've just tried to answer the problem.

I walked out of the classroom with my phone. I guess I'll just use this time to read novel.



"Kang Y/N-ssi, you can go inside now."

While reading, he heard his teacher's voice, and he slid the wooden door open, entering the classroom with everyone looking at him. He returned to his seat, put his things in the bag, stood up and went outside.

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