One Step Forwards, Two Steps Back

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This is for @CharleeeyyBitMe Thank you so much for reading and voting. I hope you like what happens next ;)

I sat there silently.

How long had it been?

KK was fast asleep, dead to the world and the danger we were facing.

Calling him a psycho was letting him off easy. If he had escaped, why hadn't he come for me? I knew I saw his eyes when Karl had kissed me.

Was he playing games with me?

The house was quiet with the occasional hum of electrical appliances my only comfort. Every sound from the forest kept me on edge as I waited in fear.

Suddenly, there was a loud rustling sound from behind my door causing the adrenaline to rush in. I gripped the bat tighter and closer and flicked through the CCTV live footage from my phone.

Some dark object was moving through my garden and investigating the path to my front door. Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead as my heart heated furiously in my chest. Was that him?

The automatic light in the garden, sensing movement, switched on. A huge sigh of relief left my lips as I noticed it was only a wild animal.

It was getting close to dawn now and I had been up all night. Luckily, I didn't have work tomorrow- no today, I corrected noticing the time. Would I even have work if Malik was gone? Or would I be given another patient? Preferably one not named Jessica.

My phone lay on the side carelessly so I decided to look through it to pass time and ease my nerves. Flicking through my notifications, I noticed a response from Jeff Larom.

Dear Ms Carlson,

Thank you for getting in touch with me about your request. I actually have stopped taking in clients but your request seems quite interesting. I understand you live out of town so you can visit my home office this weekend if you like.

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Larom.

Getting a response back honestly seemed like the only silver lining to the very grey cloud hovering over me. It would be a step closer to finding out what the hell was going on. I hastily typed up a reply and sent it, confirming our meeting later today.

A slither of light peaked through my curtains, illuminating the glossy dark floorboards, alerting me that the sun was starting to rise. Apart from dozing off a few times, I had been awake all night and was exhausted. But just because there was light, it didn't mean I was safe.

It then hit me, that there were staff who took night shifts, and if something happened, they would know. I quickly called up the office on Malik's floor and waited nervously for someone to answer.

After a few rings, the phone was answered and I sighed in relief.

"Hello, this is Sam speaking".

Sam? How was she still working at this time? And for God's sake, why did she have to be there?

"Hi Sam, this is Dr Carlson. I was just wondering if you noticed anything with the patient?" I asked, hiding my annoyance.

"Dr Carlson. I am not too sure why you are calling at this time, but in answer to your question, no. Why?"

"Nothing?" I squeaked in surprise. I was expecting her to tell me he wasn't there anymore.

"Well, yes as he is in his room right now and we do not have access to his area".

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