An Old Friend

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The door opened easily and he took a step out into a long well lit corridor with multiple doors on either end. There was a human in the far end room and a few guards in between, their heart beats loud and heavy. He simply walked up to each guard, each falling with one punch, their bodies crumpling in a heap before they even had time to react.

Malik laughed, adrenaline rushing through his body. Mikhail had been so cocky that Malik would never leave because of Mother, so cocky that the security was shit. Well, Mikhail had been successful thus far, but not anymore. Nothing was going to shackle him anymore. Nothing except his mate and he would protect her so well, not even a fly would hurt her.

He opened the door to the room where the last human was to see a portly scowling woman with her feet up on the table and a bag of crisps in her hand. Just be one look, he felt a strong dislike to her.

His mate. Arya didn't like her, did she?

He smiled as he tapped on her shoulder. The woman turned around, annoyed, with crisp crumbs coating her fingers.

Shortly after, a single scream filled the air.

The elevator opened on the ground floor and Malik paused. He could see the lobby and then the exit. He could be out in seconds and no one would be the wiser. He glanced at the elevator button and sighed. He would have to honour an old promise. He pressed the number three and the elevator lurched into action, the soft music playing in the background.

He didn't have time to play. This would have to be quick.

The moment the elevator dinged and the doors opened, there was a shout from the guards as they noticed him.

Malik smiled and observed each one.

"Don't move", one yelled. "Get down on your knees".

"Pray, tell me", Malik laughed. "Why should I listen to you?"

"We will shoot! This is our last warning!" He barked.

Malik moved like a blur and without warning, one of the men folded, groaning as he did so with his arms clutching his abdomen.

"That was not a good enough reason", he said simply. "I would advise you to say your prayers now".

The guard was about to open his mouth to protest when, suddenly, he felt this crushing pain on his chest, weighing him down. He couldn't turn his head but judging from the gargling noises he heard on his left, his colleagues were feeling the same sort of pain. It was like he was in space and he had no air to breathe, his chest heaving desperately for some semblance of oxygen. He felt his vision blackening, simultaneously hearing more thuds as bodies hit the floor. Feeling along his trousers, he grasped for the small gun in his pocket and pulled it out of its holster. Fumbling for the trigger, he pressed it breathlessly, feeling the gun recoil and the vibrations painfully passing up his arm.

"Really?" He heard a deep voice laugh. "Aconitum bullets? It might have even worked if you didn't miss me by a mile".

The guard gritted his teeth and reached for his panic button blindly. Malik watched with fascination at the guard's determination and chuckled. "Still too slow", he teased as he stepped on the guard's hand and smiled as he heard the satisfying sound of bones crunching. The guard screamed, the sound pitchy, echoing in the large empty corridor.

"Hush now", Malik whispered. "It'll only hurt more". 

Malik stepped over the guard's body and grabbed him by the collar dragging him along the ground till he reached his destination. He picked up the lifeless, broken hand and pushed it on the fingerpad, snapping the fingers into place until it turned lit green. Then he swiped the card and the door swung open silently. The guard's body dropped with a thud as Malik walked into the room.

The room was dark and silent apart from a single patch of light highlighting a single chair in the middle of the room. A girl sat, her legs crossed at the ankle, wearing the institution's shirt with her blonde hair loosely framing her delicate face and baby blue angelic eyes.

"Hello, Lily", he grinned.

So this is short but there is more to follow in the coming days (Also, I have a burning need to end a chapter with some sort of cliffhanger? It's an incurable sickness and I need help).

Today's question: 

If you were to get a waffle, would you get it with ice cream or whipped cream?

Last chapter's first was... Kayla_3201, another new person! And to quote her, 'hey shawty' ;)

Today's first, comment here -->

See you in a few days :)

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