Broken Fences and Bloodied Carpets

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This is for @hrs1500 I know you've just started reading, but I hope you keep on going to see this ❤️

Warning: Gory scenes ahead.

The doors were all locked and I mentally thanked Dad for the crazy amount of security he invested in. The CCTV covered all angles and there were automatic floodlights. If anyone tried to come for me, at least I would have a warning. I was like a storm, switching my brain off and packing everything in a frenzy. I placed all my valuables like my passport and computer in a safe just in case and pushed it into a small alcove that was barely noticeable for safekeeping until I was ready to leave.

I knew deep, deep down, that there was no escape for me today. Exits were blocked. My house was probably being monitored. He had the manpower to get to me. When I still had that small flicker of hope, I tried to look at the maps to see if there was an exit I didn't know about but there was none.

I sighed in frustration massaging my aching scalp. A pulsating ache was slowly blossoming in my temples despite the Paracetamol I took earlier. It was hard to keep a cool level-headed when it felt like someone was hammering away at your skull.

A part of me felt dead. I no longer had the energy to ask questions. I just didn't care anymore. Maybe it's because my investigation only dug up more trouble or maybe because I basically told Malik I was quitting. He would never know about me meeting this mysterious creep. He would never know what happened unless he was told. And even if he did, would he - could he come for me?

I just missed his touch. His presence. I knew I was trying to run away and I might never see him again. I wished I spent more time talking to him than fighting what I felt for him.

An abrupt bang in the distance made me jump so I watched out of the window. I couldn't see anything, but I couldn't shake off this ominous feeling that someone was watching me.

Suddenly, the floodlights in the garden switched on. Someone was outside. Holding my breath, I checked through the CCTV. A man was standing outside my front door and he rang the doorbell, the sound echoing loudly. Was that Luka?

Shit, shit, shit. What was he doing here?

I fished my phone out of my pocket and rang him nervously.


"Oh, gosh. Luka, what are you doing here?" I asked hysterically.

"What do you mean?" He asked angrily. "You saw what you sent me right? Of course, I will be worried. Please tell me what's going on".

"Luka, for God's sake, I am begging you to go home, please, please", I begged.

"I will, only if you explain", he replied. "I trust you, Arya. But I can tell you don't feel safe right now. Talk to me. KK is with my sister by the way".

I swore loudly and cut the call off. He was stubborn and wouldn't leave till he knew I was safe. I would have to somehow convince him to leave as quickly as he could. I ran downstairs and peered through the peephole. Luka stood there, his hair dishevelled, looking really stressed.

I flung the door open and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Whoa, it's okay", he said surprised. He hugged me back tightly, patting my back to reassure me. He let go of me and grasped my shoulders, making me face him. "What's going on? I've never seen you so scared".

"Luka, please", I begged. "I can't explain right now. Please, go home".

"For fuck's sake, Arya", he said, running his hands through his hair. "You're shaking like a leaf. How can I leave you alone like this?"

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