To Date or Not To Date

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This is for @Zoe_Carther  Thanks for reading and advising me to join a book contest! 💖

"Call me when you're feeling better" - (A)

I sighed and put my phone down. I couldn't help but feel like what happened to Luka was my fault. I did pull us down to the ditch and he probably had hit his head on his way down. I hoped there was no permanent damage as he was acting a little strange. I remembered the way he randomly hugged me outside the house and then how Karl's face looked like when he saw us together. He probably felt betrayed and I could understand why. I hadn't really been talking to him or hanging out with him lately and then he saw me with his brother, hugging. In his situation, I would be upset too.

"I just feel really bad, KK. Was I stringing Karl along all this time?" I asked, stroking her fur. "He obviously likes me but I... I just don't know".

I silently cursed Malik in my head. In total, I had only seen him three times, but he had completely messed up my life and my head. He had such a profound impact on me that I couldn't even imagine looking at other guys but we weren't even dating. What if this was all one-sided and he was just playing with me as a way to pass time? As cute as the Joker and Harley Quinn were, I didn't want to have a toxic relationship like that.

I made my mind up. I couldn't let work affect my normal life. I wasn't going to let Malik affect my normal life. I didn't know anything about him and I don't think I could find out anything behind him. From now on, I'll treat him as a proper patient. I wasn't going to stop my investigation but I wasn't going to allow myself to get emotionally involved. I needed to put aside all those irrational emotions I felt when I saw him because, at the end of the day, I don't want to be the one getting hurt. I silently groaned. Of all the men here, I had to pine over the most difficult one which was not healthy.

The moment I made my decision, my phone lit up. I hoped it was an update from Luka, but instead, it was a long text from Karl.

Hey, Arya. I'm going to be really honest. I really like you. You're fun, pretty and I think there's something there. That's why I was so upset when I saw you with Luka, my mind just went to the worst situation and I'm sorry. If you would like, I can make it up to you by taking you on a date? We can go out to eat (your choice) and maybe watch a movie together tomorrow? - (Karl)

I sat there, still, in shock. Re-reading the message, I wasn't sure what to make of it.

He wanted to take me on a date and he confirmed that he liked me. I felt my cheeks heat up a little. A tiny little voice in the back of my mind decided to pipe up and remind me about Malik, but I squashed that real quickly. There was nothing between Malik and I, and I couldn't be hung up on a man who was locked up in a mental institution and needed psychiatric care for God's sake.

Before I could change my mind, I quickly responded saying I would come after work and tossed my phone to the side. I had a date. With Karl. Tomorrow. Oh, God. It was too late to back up now. My stomach churned nervously. Tomorrow was going to be difficult. I had a meeting with Malik and then a date with Karl.

The next day

As I got ready for work, I made more of an effort than usual as I would be going straight from work to our date. My clothes were formal - a blouse and a pencil skirt, but I wasn't bothered to have to run home and then change.

On the way to work, I gave myself a little reminded of the promise I made yesterday. No more excessive involvement. I was normally quite good at hiding my emotions and at a poker face, I just needed to make sure that I kept it up around him, no matter how hard it got.

I made my way to his floor to the office and got out the relevant work materials, as well as an empty notebook and pen. Sam was there again, looking at me suspiciously for some reason. I had just arrived at work for God's sake, I hadn't even done anything yet. I gave her a frosty look and headed straight for the viewing room. Like always, Malik was already sat there, back straight, looking straight ahead.

As I opened the door and he turned to look at me, I gave him a polite smile and sat down. I was undoubtedly aware of his eyes following everything I did silently as I set up my papers neatly.

I looked up at him and watched him quietly, trying to figure out what was going on in his mind. As much as I wanted to hear him - and not because I wanted to hear that husky voice - it was too risky because he clearly had a reason not to talk.

"So, I had a look at your tests, you're clearly quite intelligent. You answered every question right. But you have to be willing to co-operate on my terms. If you don't talk, you're hindering your own treatment", I said softly.

He nodded, his eyes gleaming in emotion I couldn't quite place. He then unfolded his hand and held it out.

"Um... What?" I asked confused.

He looked back at me silently, his hand still outstretched. It then hit me, a handshake. Did he want a handshake?

I reached my hand out and he wrapped his hand around mine tightly. I looked down, at where our bare skin touched and was overwhelmed by the butterflies in my stomach and the shivers running up my spine. I looked back up. He was watching me with a mixture of contentment and was that sadness?

My breath hitched as his thumb caressed the back of my hand softly, his large hand dwarfing my slender one. The room seemed to disappear, and we were in a space with only me and him. My heart beat so loudly, I could hear it and I knew he could too. I lost myself in the golden, hypnotic depths of his eyes. Just one touch and I was ready to sell my soul for this man. I was ready to give everything up for him, give up myself to him. My watch ticked obnoxiously, a painful reminder of the present and of my promise.

There is more. This is like a double update as the chapter was way too long and I got bored when proofreading it XD

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share and go to the next chapter as there is mooreeee :)

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