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This for @Lakshaybh thanks for reading and voting! 

 My hair was falling forward, curtaining off Karl and me from the rest of the world. Up close, I could see the light dusting of freckles that were scattered across his cheekbones and long curl of his eyelashes. I leaned forward and closer until the tips of our noses grazed over each other. He really did have the bluest of eyes, sort of like the clearest summer sky, just a solid baby blue. His eyes were dilated, his breath coming out shallow. I leaned in slightly more, entranced by his eyes, our lips almost brushing together. His irises had a dark blue outline which was a massive contrast to the blue within, and upon closer observation, he had the smallest flecks of what seemed like gold.

Gold. Molten gold eyes. The creature.

Suddenly, reality hit me. I was lying flat on top of Karl. We were so close. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest. I felt heat spreading across my face. What was I doing?

Karl's face was as red as mine but he was avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, Arya?"

"Yes?" I whispered back.

"As cute as you are, I can't breathe right now" He breathed out.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry". I quickly pulled myself off him and staggered back a few steps.

He lay there on the floor winded and lifted his hand up for me to help him up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up carefully just in case he was hurt. He groaned as I pulled him up and clutched the side of his ribs.

"Oh no, I think I've bruised something", he moaned.

"Oh, shit. Let's get Rosie to have a look". I lifted his arm over my shoulder and half dragged him in Rosie's direction.

"Wow, you're quite strong for a gir - oof", he was cut off by a harsher tug on his arm. "Quite strong in general, I meant".

"That's what I thought. I used to do martial arts".

We finally arrived at the house where we saw Rosie entering covered in blood but with a smile on her face which dropped as soon as she saw Karl and heard what happened.

She assured me he was fine and that he would be staying there for a bit so she could properly check him and after a few minutes of her apologising profusely, I took my leave using the fact that it was KK's feeding time as an excuse.

Well, it was KK's feeding time as when I got home she was eyeing her bowl hungrily.

"Well hello to you too, I guess"

My plans for today: Watch TV and maybe workout. Probably just watch TV.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a top - my lazy clothes - and stretched out across the sofa. My body hurt a little from the falling but I didn't feel bothered enough to care.

Some reality show was airing in the background and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep when suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Who the fudge would call at this time?" I muttered to myself. I squinted against the brightness of my phone screen.

Work. Of course, it was work. I accepted the phone call and slumped back across the sofa.

"Good evening, is this Dr Carlson?" The voice sounded hasty and panicked.

"Yes, speaking. Who am I speaking too?"

"Oh, it's me, Ms James. I'm really sorry for contacting you out of work hours, but you must come into work now. All will be explained upon your arrival and any hours spent will be compensated".

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