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I've recently gained a few new readers so I wasn't sure who to dedicate this too but I decided to start with @Nandini121 Thanks for voting on all my chapters Xx

If you're new pop a comment here for a dedication

"And for the reasons stated above, I think the best course of action is to resign from my position as a Clinical Psychiatrist at Holston's Institution"

I leaned back in my chair and sighed. This was it. It felt like I was running away but what else could I do. I just didn't understand how I could suddenly meet someone and have such a strong... attraction. It just didn't make sense. How was he able to make that guard just collapse? Something strange was happening behind the scenes and I didn't want to be a part of it.

I was debating on what I should tell my parents. I mean, they wouldn't mind if I came back - they might even be happy. But trying to explain the reasons why was already giving me a headache.

KK watched me from her perch on the armrest on the sofa.

"Should I send in my letter of resignation?" I spoke mostly to myself but KK meowed back in response to my surprise. She stood, stretched and yawned and then made her way to where I was where she promptly sat on my keyboard, adding random keys to my meticulously made resignation note.

"KK! What are you doing?! Get off!!"

I tried shooing her off and when that didn't work, I picked her up and set her aside. She meowed at me a few more times to get my attention.

"Why are you acting so weird?"


The sound came from my laptop grabbing my attention immediately. I ran to my laptop to see why the notification had popped up and my heart skipped a couple of beats when I saw it was from work. I opened it and scanned over the lengthy email quickly in shock. They were going to promote me? For what?

I fell back on the sofa in confusion. Why would they suddenly want to promote me to high-risk patient?! I had only been working there for less than a month and my trainee phase hadn't still ended. I read the last line again.

"For your further enquiries, please come and see me.

Dr Patel"

I sat back and closed my eyes to think with a sigh. This wasn't right. Although, honestly, I would take this 'high-risk patient' any day over Jessica after what happened. Who was this high-risk patient anyway?

Maybe I was glad that I wasn't going to treat Jessica anymore after what she tried to pull off yesterday but I wasn't that naive. After what just happened, only a crazy person would willingly go back there.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and when I picked it up, I realised it was a video call from my parents which I reluctantly answered.

"Hi, Mum and Dad", I smiled whilst internally groaning.

"Hi princess, how is work going? Wait, why do you look so sick for?!" My dad's voice rose with every word he spoke in barely concealed panic.

My mums face popped into view and she gave me a critical once over.

"Arya, you're an adult now, I hope you're not staying up all night watching stuff".

"Mum! I was a legal adult around about seven years ago!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"So why do you not look well? Are you sick?! That's not good, your mother and I are coming over so you stay put".

I sat back and contemplated. There was no way in hell I was letting them come over. Most of the food my mum gave me still sat in my freezer untouched and there were packets of instant noodles in the bin. I wasn't even sick anyway, but I was obviously visibly affected by what happened yesterday.

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