The Call

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Chapter 2:

- Sometime later -

My phone rang, cutting through the conversation at the dinner table. I looked at my parents and panicked.

It was definitely the institution ringing to tell me if I got accepted or not.

As it rang again, Mum sprang into action.

"Quickly, get your phone," She said whilst gesturing wildly in the direction of the kitchen. "I saw it last next to the fridge, snap out of it! What if it cuts off?"

Spurred on by my mother's words, I jumped up, ran to the kitchen, grabbed it from the table and answered

"Hello?" I asked a little breathlessly.

"Hi, is this Miss Carlson?"

It was the receptionist, Emelia James and her kind voice seeped through the phone making me relax instantly.

"Yes, speaking". I was careful to hide the tremor and nervousness in my voice.

"Hi Arya, I hope you're doing well. I'm calling regarding the position you were interviewed for".


"I'm delighted to inform you that your interview was successful and your work will begin on the first of the next month where a contract will be written and signed. Any further information will be sent to your email address".

"Okay, that's great. Thank you for informing me."

"You're welcome. I hope to see you soon. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Have a pleasant evening"

"You too. Goodbye"

I cut the call and turned to my parents. My mum's face was shining with excitement and even my dad looked somewhat nervous.

I allowed my eyes to tear up and dropped any signs of happiness from my face. I slipped in a few sniffles and my mum automatically thought she understood and wrapped her arms around me and began stroking my back softly.

"It's okay Arya, this was your first ever job application. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Don't let this hold you back but be a lesson. Okay, sweetie?"

She pulled back and held on to my face. Oh gosh, there were tears in her eyes and I automatically felt like a horrible daughter. I turned and looked at my dad's bewildered face and the guilt disappeared.

"Wait, what's going on here? Stop smothering the child and let her tell us the news".

Mum sighed. "Charles, you are so incredibly dense. Read the mood. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me, what's wrong with you?"

Mum looked like she was about to hit him and let go of my face.

"Now, wait a second. Before you get angry at me, Arya darling, what was the call about?"

I grinned. "I got accepted".

"See look at what you have done, she's going to get up-, wait, WHAT?!"

Dad laughed and grabbed me in a bear hug and squeezed tight.

"I knew you could do it, princess. You take after your dad with your smarts". He ruffled my hair and smiled warmly, his blue eyes twinkling with pride.

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