A Leap of Faith

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For @Mzschivious_kookies Thank you for all you support 😭 Fun fact: I wrote down your old username and forgot what the new one was like, so I searched for Kookie from my followers 😅.

I heard her notebook drop to the floor with a loud thud. She stepped back away from me, her mouth open in shock.

Shit, they had heightened senses. Shit, shit, what if she says something to Mikhail? He told me not to say anything to anyone! Even though I didn't care what he wanted, I didn't want him to take his anger out on me. Not when he clearly is dangerous and unstable.

"Repeat what you just said, please", she said, her voice trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry", I said, apologising profusely in fear of angering Mikhail. "I was thinking out loud, I didn't mean to say anything".

"No, don't be sorry", she said, rudely. "I know what I heard, right?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Confirming anything would pretty much be a death sentence.

She gripped my wrist tightly and tugged my body towards her, furious. "Right?!" She growled, her eyes shifting to a darker shade.

I looked back at her in surprise. She all of a sudden became an aggressive person and honestly, it scared me. "Look, I am sorry for slipping up. Please, don't say anything, please-"

"Dear God", she whispered, releasing my wrist from her hold. She walked backwards softly and dropped to a squat, holding her head in her hands. "I cannot believe this. I cannot believe he would do something like this. Something so wrong". She looked up at me in surprise. "And you are okay with this?"

I looked at her cautiously. "How can I trust you enough to answer you?"

"It doesn't matter whether or not you can trust me. You've already told me that you feel nothing for him, you have no choice but to trust me".

She was right. I would already be in deep shit for telling her and judging her reaction, she seemed to think what Mikhail was doing was wrong. Maybe, just maybe she could help me?

"No, I am not", I sighed, reluctantly. "I am far from okay. None of this is even remotely consensual. I was kidnapped and bought here".

"So, why are you still here then?!"

"Well, where can I go?" I asked incredulously, my tone rising slightly. "I'm in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by human-wolf hybrids who have a massive biological advantage over me".

"Oh, God", she said, quietly. "But why you? No offence, you're not particularly special unless... Dear God, this is getting progressively worse. You do realise this will be permanent? You will be bound to him forever, no takebacks. And, it will hurt. It will tear you apart. You will most likely suffer from chronic depression and you will never, ever be happy", she said, rushing out those words, almost feverishly.

"But, I have little choice! Do you not understand my predicament? I act calm because he reacts irrationally. I have no desire to be here at all!" I argued, annoyed at how she thought I had a choice. As if I wanted to be here. "Which sane person would be willing for this? Who would be able to accept the fact that a whole other species exist and this marking will cause them pain? No one!"

"Does anyone else know?" She asked, shrugging off my angry outburst.

"Not that I am aware of".

"These are really dangerous waters. He cannot know that I know. He can be very volatile and we will both be punished. Tell no one else either, do you understand me? You'll put them all at risk too".

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