The Extraction

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Thank you to hw6404 for reading and voting ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

No, no, no. Malik was coming here? Tomorrow? There was no possible way. Mikhail is just baiting you into reacting. Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him-

"Isn't it going to be a perfect family reunion?" Mikhail giggled. The bed creaked slightly as he leant back against the headboard next to my still body. "I mean, how often does one experience their lover mating with their brother?"

He picked up a loose curl, gently twisting it around his finger and then suddenly tugged it. A small sharp sting followed and he chuckled at my lack of response.

"Make sure you dress up very pretty", he whispered conspiratorially in my ear. "He needs to see what he will be missing".

I felt my pulse rise in anger and tried to fight it back. I needed to feign sleep to make him lower his guard. Today was my last chance. My only chance.

Mikhail's head lowered from next to my ear to just hovering above my chest where he cocked his head and inhaled deeply. "You know the human heart is very fickle. It beats faster by the littlest of simulation", he continued in a sing-song voice. "I can hear it right now. Thump. Thump. Thump. My, my, why is it beating so fast?"

As those words left his lips, my heart began to race uncontrollably faster despite begging for my anxious heart to slow.

"It is funny how desperately you humans rely on your weak heart to keep beating. One small mistake", Mikhail said, his hand trailing to the middle of my chest. "And you're dead". His index finger dug in lightly, right where my heart would be, driving his point home.

"It reminds me of a very special moment you and I share. A story for the ages. It was the time when you tried to kill me. When you - so lovingly - slit my throat with a serrated blade". He grabbed a hand of mine and placed it on his throat, forcing it against his skin. I could faintly feel his skin pulsate as my finger touched the area above his artery. "I have a small scar there now. Very small but oh, it angers me so. You have done what no one has ever dared to do, you know that?"


"No one has ever managed to harm me like this, not even that bastard. I guess it's my fault. I assumed all humans were pathetically useless which makes you all the more interesting. All the more... alluring". His face hovered dangerously close to mine, his breath hitting my closed eyelids. "I'm sure you are familiar with Stockholm syndrome, yes? You may have to diagnose yourself with it in the future".

I resisted the urge to spit in his face. Over my dead body. I would rather die than even have any romantic feelings for him.

"Ooh, that makes you soo mad, doesn't it?" He whispered smugly. "I can feel your rage simmering. Just open those beautiful eyes of yours and stop pretending-"

Suddenly there were the sounds of heavy footsteps approaching my room and some people burst in, out of breath.

"Who said you could come in here without my permission?" Mikhail snarled, dropping my lifeless hand.

"Alpha, we are sorry for intruding". That was Jacob. "Something has come up - you must come right now!"

"If you cannot see", Mikhail growled. "I am busy right now".

"Alpha!" Another man urgently said. There was a moment of silence as they presumably communicated using their 'pack link' as Amara had called it. "You must come!"

Mikhail snarled again and then turned back to me. "You're lucky. Very lucky. I'll let this fake sleeping go for now since we have forever for you to be punished. Let's go".

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