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Above is a picture of what the bungalow may look like.

This chapter is dedicated to @star_crossed_dreamer for always commenting and making my day!

 Go check out her book on her profile!


I had been on the road for ages and much to my alarm, I had begun to feel myself nodding off slowly. Slapping myself was only going to help me for so long before sleepover overtook me and my coffee had become lukewarm and tasted disgusting. Even music did little to help.

Suddenly the navigation cut through my self-pity party and the upbeat pop song that was blaring through the radio.

"Exit the motorway in six hundred yards. You will reach your destination in fifteen minutes".

That was enough to wake me up. I would probably get there sooner as this area was pretty much isolated which was... strange.

Turning out from the motorway, I drove onto a side road that should lead me to Colsens. I glanced around quickly for any speed cameras - there obviously were none - and stepped on the pedal. Within minutes, I saw the sign announcing that the village was up ahead.

The sign, although not many people would see it, was well polished and proudly proclaimed "Welcome to Colsen's". Driving past the sign, I immediately fell in love with the village. It was stunning. It gave off a feeling like it was stuck in time with cobbled streets, thatched cottages and a large town centre square with a tall clock tower casting a shadow across the street. The only visible modern touches were the cables, some pylons in the distance and a few cars scattered around.

I drove over the stony road feeling every bump, but not minding at all whilst I took in the gorgeous scenery. KK, however, did and a couple of hisses escaped her mouth which I ignored. As I drove through the town square, I noticed a huge tanned figure emerge from the quaint inn located in the middle of the village. He had a large frame and as he made his way to my car, I didn't know if I should have felt scared by him or if I should have laughed at the apron he wore announcing him as 'The World's Sexiest Cook'. But he had the nicest, bluest eyes I have ever seen in my life with prominent wrinkles indicating that he smiled frequently. He walked up to my window and rapped on it, indicating that I should roll the window down.

As I did so, a huge smile made its way across his face and any thoughts I had about being scared instantly flew out of the window.

"Hello, Miss! I haven't seen a new face here in a while!"

I leaned out of my window and shook his hand, firmly.

"John, John Meyer".

"Hi, my name is Arya, Arya Carlson. You must not get many people if you've noticed my arrival within minutes".

John laughed and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, I wonder what gave that away. We only get some deliveries once a month but apart from that we're pretty much an isolated, self-sufficient community". He leaned in conspiratorially and whispered. "And then there's the mental institution not far from here".

I whispered back just as ominously, "That's why I'm here".

"I knew it! Holston's is the only reason people will come over here to live in a secluded village like this. Well, in that case, welcome to Holston's village!" He said, laughing at his joke.

"Holston's?" I asked confused. The village was called Colsens, maybe he got mixed up?

"Yes. The locals call the village Holston's as a joke since so many staff live in the village now. But we don't mind the extra people as we actually have proper medical staff now". He turned around and gestured towards the cosy flowered looking inn that he came from. "This is my place. Kept in the family for generations. If you want to get to know people, pop in sometime and I'll introduce you to everyone and to my sons; I'm definitely not trying to set you up with them though", He said as he winked at me.

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