Crossing Boundaries

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This chapter is dedicated to a new reader @underscore2003

Thanks for reading!

My phone was vibrating like crazy with Karl prancing around the place, flexing his biceps at every large box and winking at me whilst I admired said biceps. This wasn't going to work.


"Yes, give me a sec. Let me haul this last beast in and your moving is done".

I patiently waited for him as he dumped the box in the house and slowly strolled back to me.

"Lunch date is definitely cancelled because it's nearly five o'clock". As soon as I said that, his face fell. "But, we can do dinner instead at eight?"

"I'm all yours darling, got nowhere to be. What do we do until eight then?"

I nudged him. "Funny you've included yourself in my plans till eight".

He did his best puppy eyes and I relented.

"See these cameras that are everywhere? Well, my dad's spying on us. That's also why my phone keeps vibrating, I'm guessing he doesn't like to see you here".

Karl whistled. "I can imagine how much he must hate me right now".

"That's right-"

"Actually, you having an overprotective dad is good for me. I should thank him".

"What, why?"

"It means I have a chance", he winked at me.

"You've only known me for a couple of hours", I said, incredulously "And I never even said I was single".

"Please, what guy would let his girl go off and stay at home far, far away from her where she might have a good-looking very single neighbour".

"Oh?" I asked, sarcastically. "I thought the other neighbour was an old lady. My non-existent boyfriend would have nothing to worry about".

He clutched his chest in fake pain. "Wow, so cold-hearted. My self-esteem has dropped to zero".

I laughed and flicked his cheek, "Well, you're not that bad to look at".

"Just not bad?"

"That's all you're going to get for now. Come, let's get the camera situation sorted. I need to call my cousin and he'll know what to do".


It took several calls for my cousin to pick up but it was worth it. Within an hour he managed to cut my parents off completely and I was now completely stress-free.

Spritzing on some perfume, I put my shoes on, blew KK an unwanted kiss and headed out to where Karl was waiting for me in his car. As I slid in the passenger seat, he smirked at me.

"You ever rode a horse before?"

"Yeah, when I was younger. Not sure if I remember how to though".

He pulled out of the driveway and headed towards his dad's inn.

"Pretty much everyone here rides a horse. It's more convenient to get around and there are stables pretty much everywhere that anyone can use. Like free parking", He looked at me and smirked again. "I can teach you to ride if you like".

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