Hunter the Warbler

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*Marcia's POV*

After the little tutoring disaster, I went to the Lima Bean to grab a hot chocolate. I know that most kids my age would be drinking coffee, but me? I can't stand the taste of coffee. Plus, whenever I want to think about something, I get a hot chocolate.

I sat at a table, staring at my cup. God, I was such an idiot. Why did I think that Ryder would ever like me? I'm just, well, me.

Suddenly, a boy walked up and said, "Can I sit here?" pointing to the seat across from me.

I nodded and he sat down. He had on dress pants and shoes, a white shirt, a tie and a blazer with a "D" on the breast pocket.

"Hi. I'm Hunter." he said, leaning across the table to shake my hand.

"Marcia. Pleased to meet you Hunter." I said, shaking his hand.

"You too." he said, smiling. "So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" he asked.

I blushed a little and took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Well, I'm new in town. I have a few friends, but I haven't known them long. So, I'd feel a little awkward if I had to sit here and tell them what was wrong when I only know them a day. I just needed some time to think." I explained.

"Thinking is highly overrated." Hunter said, chuckling a bit. "What's wrong?"

"Just, stuff. New girl stuff. That's all." I lied. Hunter seemed like a nice guy. He didn't need to be bored to death with my whole Ryder/Marley love triangle thing. "Which school do you go to?" I asked, trying to get off the topic.

"Dalton Academy. Head of the Warblers." he said, sitting up straighter. He looked so proud to be able to say that. Proud and a little cute.

"Oh! I've heard of you guys! All boys school and choir, right?"

"Damn right."

"I thought that some other guy was the head. Sebastian something." I said.

"Sebastian Syme. Yeah, he used to, until they called me in. He's co-head now. Me and him. We got plans."

"Sounds good. Hope you guys go far." I said, taking another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Well, at the moment, I doubt we are. We lost Sectionals and now, our competing year is over.

He suddenly looked a little upset. The guy that two seconds ago was boasting about his Warblers, now sad.

"Well, not everything is about competing. You guys can play events and amusement parks and stuff. Christmas is coming up. You guys can do something for that." I said, trying to cheer him up.

Hunter smiled at me.

"You have a great enthusiasm, don't you?" he asked.

"About music? Yes. About love? No." I said and suddenly, I regretted it.

"Love? How does a girl as beautiful as you have a problem with love? I thought boys would be throwing themselves at you." Hunter said, causing me to laugh a bit.

"Well, no. There is this guy that I like, but he likes this girl that is, like, 1000 times prettier than me and he admitted he liked her to my face while I was tutoring him." I explained.

"Forget him, then." Hunter said with a stern look on his face. "If that guy can't see how beautiful you are, his loss."

I smiled. This Hunter guy was really sweet.

"You know what? Stop by Dalton tomorrow after school. The Warblers have a practice and I'd love it if you could come down and watch us." he said.

"That'd be awesome! As long as you make it clear that I'm not spying or anything."

"Of course."

"Cool. Than it's a date." I said.

This was just what I needed. To get my mind off of Ryder.

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