Blaine's Big News

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It was a week until Nationals and two weeks till graduation. We still didn't have a setlist for Nationals. Heck, we didn't even know what the theme of Nationals was or where it was being held. All we knew was that we had a week.

"We have to do a rocking song if we wanna win Nationals. Have you heard of our competition? Throat Explosion?" Kitty asked.

"Yeah. Vocal Adrenaline competed against them at our Sectionals this year. They were insane! Way better than us, and that's saying something considering Vocal Adrenaline was the biggest show choir at the time." I said. "If they're our competition, we're totally screwed."

"Not if we pick a totally bitching song and I've come up with a perfect one."

"Kitty, I don't think Mr. Schue is gonna let you sing Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls at Nationals." I chuckled, closing my locker and beginning to walk to my first period class.

"Why not? It's a great song!" she argued.

"First, I realize we just had Sexy Week, but I'd doubt he's going to let us do a sexual song for Nationals. And second, it might not even be the theme of this year. For all we know, we'll have to sing foreign songs."

"If I have to listen to Tina McBitch ruin Gangnam Style one more time, I think I'm going to scratch my eyes out."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Just then, Blaine came running down the hallway towards Kitty and I. Once he got to us, he was really out of breath.

"Geez, Hairgel. Start hitting the gym." Kitty said.

"De-claw, Kittycat." I said. "What's up Blaine?"

"I...need...t-to you...alone." he wheezed. I looked at Kitty, who rolled her eyes and continued on to class. I turned back to Blaine. "A-Aud-itorium."

Once Blaine regained his breath, I followed him to the auditorium. The first period bell had already rang, but I had Study Hall first period and the Study Hall teacher never did attendance or really cared if the students were there.

"Okay, Blaine Anderson. Tell me what's going on." I said.

"I got my NYADA letter." he said, holding up an envelope. My eyes widened.

"You applied for NYADA?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell me? NYADA has been my dream school since, like, forever."

"I was waiting to get my letter. I wanted to open it with you since you're my best friend and all. Again, don't tell Sam I said that."

"Mums the word. Now open it, Anderson, before I die of anticipation!"

Blaine nodded and began opening the letter. I watched, biting my nails (a nervous habit of mine) as he carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the official looking NYADA letter. My heart pounded against my rib cage as he read it over. I couldn't read his expression, so I hoped for the best.

"I GOT IN!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. I squealed and quickly hugged him. "I can't believe it, I got in!"

"I'm so happy for you, Blaine!" I said, squeezing Blaine tightly. "You're gonna go far. I know it. You know what? This calls for a song."

I pulled away from Blaine and began to sing.

Marcia: "Everybody said

You better stay in school

Get a real job, boy, don't be a fool

Burn that guitar, you can never be a star

I can, I can, I can so"

Blaine: "Everybody said

Boy, don't go any higher!

I can do anything!

Never push the limit

And don't play with fire"

Marcia: "Wear my heart on my fist

Take you by surprise fighter!"

Both: "I can do anything!"

Blaine: "A hundred thousand disbelievers couldn't keep me on the ground

I've invented a momentum that'll never slow me down

I believe it cause I feel it when I shout it out loud

I can, I can, I can so"

Both: "Everybody said

Boy, don't go any higher!

I can do anything

Never push the limit

And don't play with fire

I can do anything!"

Marcia: "Wear my heart on my fist

Take you by surprise fighter!"

Both: "I can do anything!"

Marcia: "Never try, never win

Never get a break

You miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Both: "Everybody said

Boy, don't go any higher!

I can do anything

Never push the limit

And don't play with fire

I can do anything!

Everybody said

Boy, don't go any higher!

I can do anything

Never push the limit

And don't play with fire

I can do anything!

Wear my heart on my fist

Take you by surprise fighter!

Everybody said

Boy, don't go any higher!"

Blaine: "I can do anything!"

Blaine and I laughed and I hugged him again. I was proud of my best friend, but the one thing that lingered in the back of my mind was the fact that in two weeks time, he'd be leaving to New York and I wouldn't be seeing him for a while.

I kept that thought held back and just stayed happy for my friend.

"I have more news." Blaine said, pulling away. "When I move to New York, I'm going to propose to Kurt."

I gasped and covered my mouth.

"No way!" I squealed. "Oh my God, Blaine! I can't believe it! Look at you. You're graduating in two weeks, you're gonna go to NYADA and marry the man you love."

"He has to say yes first." Blaine pointed out. "But thanks for being such a good friend to me the end of this year, Marcia. I know Sam's my bro or whatever, but I don't feel like he'd understand this kind of stuff the way you do."

"I'm always here for you, Blaine." I said. "Now hug me brotha!"

Blaine laughed and hugged me one last time before we went off to our second period classes.

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