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It was exactly 5 days before Nationals and we still didn't know anything. We were gathered in the choir room, waiting for Mr. Schue to arrive.

"We're screwed." Artie announced. "We don't even know the theme for Nationals, we don't have a setlist. We're finished. That's it."

"We're not screwed." Marley said. "I'm sure whatever songs Mr. Schue picks we'll learn and we'll go to Nationals and win. I mean, didn't you guys have your setlist for Regionals stolen the day of and you still pull that off."

"Does everyone know that story?" Tina groaned.

"Guys, stop it!" I snapped and stood up in front of the room. "Yes, we don't know our setlist. Yes, we don't know the theme. Yes, we have a tough competition, but don't we always? And what do we do? We try. And when we try our hardest, we win. You guys can't seriously be giving up that easily. Would Finn want you to do that?"

"Not now, Marcia." Sam said.

"Yes now!" I said. "I hope you guys realize Finn would be very disappointed in all of you right now. You're all giving up on winning! Is that what you want to do? Disappoint one of the only men who actually believed in you guys when you became the losers of the school again?"

The room went silent. I retreated back to my seat next to Ryder and crossed my arms.

"You're right." Jake said. "We're not giving up. We're going to win this thing. For Finn."

"For Finn!" we all repeated.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. I just got a letter from Nationals." Mr. Schue said, entering the room. "Let's see. Competition will be The Unitards-" this caused some snickers. "-and Throat Explosion."

"Sounds like a so so competition." Ryder said. "What kind of name is The Unitards?"

We stifled our laughter as Mr. Schue continued to read, seeming oblivious to the fact that we were laughing.

"Theme has to be songs that mean something to the ones singing them and it's a minimum of two songs per setlist. Remember, mashups count as two songs." he read. "And the location of Nationals will be sunny Los Angeles."

We all cheered and began talking about what it'd be like in LA. Mr. Schue quickly quieted everyone down and began to speak again.

"We have to think of a setlist. We only have 5 days." he said. "Songs that mean something to us. Songs that mean something to us. I got it! How about we do The Fighter again and have Marley and Marcia sing it again."

Everyone looked around at each other. We were all thinking the same thing. Bad idea.

"Okay. That's song one. And it's a solo, which means song two has to be a group number. I have an idea! We'll do Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson! We've all had a dark side!" he said. We all looked at each other again, but nodded as if it were a good idea.

"Hey Mr. Schue." Blaine said, entering the choir room. "You're wanted down in the office."

Mr. Schue gave Blaine a confused look and exited the room. Blaine watched as he walked away before closing the doors and turning back to the rest of the room.

"Dude, where were you?" Sam asked.

"Outside listening to Mr. Schue's horrible setlist. I mean, Dark Side? The Fighter? Yeah, The Fighter was good at Regionals, but we can't do it again!" he said. "We have to think of a better setlist before he comes back."

"Oh, I guess YOU have some ideas, huh puppet master?" Tina asked in her usual bitchy tone.

"Tina, have you ever heard the expression 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all'?" I asked. Tina nodded. "Then shut your trap and let Blaine speak."

The room was filled with "Ooooooooo"s as Tina glared at me and sat back in her seat, defeated. I smirked and nodded to Blaine to continue.

"Thanks Marcia." Blaine said. "And I do have some ideas, but I think you guys will like them."

"What are they?" Marley asked.

"They're songs that mean something to us and are a tribute to someone who really deserves it." Blaine replied and turned to look at the Finn plaque we had hung up in the back of the room.

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