Unsure Feelings

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"You guys were so good." I said to Hunter as he held the door open for me at the Lima Bean.

"Oh, come on. You're just saying that." he said.

"No! I mean it. How did you guys lose Sectionals? What songs did you do?" I asked.

"We did Whistle, which I sang, and Live While We're Young, which Sebastian and I sang. I thought we did pretty good, but those stupid New Directions did Gangnam Style and everyone knows that no one can say 'no' to that stupid song." Hunter explained.

"N-New Directions?" I asked.

"Yeah. Led by that Blaine 'Warbler' Anderson who refuses to rejoin us." he growled with anger.

"Um, New Directions. That's, uh, that's my new Glee Club." I said, staring at the floor.

Hunter gave me a surprised look and I felt my stomach lurch. I knew it. He was gonna hate me now. That's two guys I've lost in two days! Man, was I ever horrible at this.

"You hate me." I whispered.

"No. No!" Hunter said. "I'm just a bit surprised. I would never hate a girl as beautiful as you. Plus, I really like you."

I looked at him, my eyes widened.

"Y-you like me?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. There was something about you the day that we met. I sat with you because I wanted to get to know you."

I looked at the floor and smiled. I couldn't believe that Hunter actually liked me.

"So," I said, looking back up at him. "that song, the One Direction song you just sang, you were singing it to me, weren't you?"

"It doesn't take a genious to figure that out." he said and laughed. "But, yeah. I was singing it to you. I am in love with you, Marcia. I've never really been this much in love with someone before."

I smiled and I felt my cheeks blush.

"Next." the woman at the counter said.

Hunter and I walked up. He pulled a $20 bill out of his pocket and said, "One hot chocolate and a latte, three pumps of mocha."

"You don't have to pay. I have money." I said to him as he passed the woman at the counter the $20.

"Too bad. I've already paid. Here's your hot chocolate." he said, passing me my hot chocolate and collecting his latte and change.

We walked over to an empty table and sat down. I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you like me. You just sang a song to me. And, I like you, too. So, I'm wondering, what's gonna happen with us?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"We're from two rival show choirs. We can't really date without our friends hating the idea."

He laughed.

"I wouldn't say that our friends would hate the idea." he said.

"Oh yeah?" I said. "Tell me, honestly, if Sebastian found out that you were dating a New Direction, would he be okay with it?"

Hunter bit his lip, unsure of what to say.

"Why Sebastian?" he asked.

"I know he has a thing with the New Directions. I've heard the stories from various people. They've never been friends. I'm not sure about the others. I'm sure they're still friends with Blaine, but still."

He put down his latte.

"Who cares what anyone, especially Sebastian thinks? If he were to protest against our relationship, he'd be a hypacrite."

"How so?"

"I know for a fact that, despite his constant protesting, he is still in love with Blaine and if he gives us a hard time, I'll just bring that little fun fact back into the picture."

"You're evil."


That wasn't a complement. I meant it. He was evil and not in the good way. So, why was I in love with him? Was I even in love with him?

As he took another sip of his latte, phone beeped. He picked it up and looked at it.

"It's Jeff. I'm needed for a Warbler thing." he said. "Sorry to cut our date short. Maybe we could try this again some time."

"Sounds great."

He smiled. He grabbed a marker and took a pen from his pocket. He wrote something on the napkin, gave it too me and left.

On the napkin, it read:

Text me

And his number. I slid the number in my pocket and sighed.

"Woah. Who was that?" someone asked. I looked up to see Kitty in her Cheerios uniform with a cup in her hand.

"No one. It was no one." I said.

"That wasn't no one, honey. That was a Warbler. Why are you having coffee with a Warbler?" she asked and sat next to me.

"He's just a friend."

"He was flirty smiling at you, girl. He likes you!" she said.

"That's not the only thing." I said. I looked at the table and played with my cup. "He sang a song to me."

Kitty's eyes widened and she squealed.

"No way! You're kidding! What song?"

"L-Little Things by One Direction."

"Gasp." she said, covering her mouth. "That's, like, one of the most romantic songs right now. He must like you. Do you like him? Are you two gonna date? Tell me!"

"Calm down, Kitty!" I said, laughing at her excitement. "First, I know that's a romantic song. In fact, it's my favorite song right now. Second, he does like me. He told me. Third," I paused. "I don't know. I think I like him, but I still have feelings for Ryder."

Kitty reached a hand over the table and put it on my shoulder.

"Here's what you do. Think about it. Give yourself as much time as you need. Don't write anything in stone until it's certian."

I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks Kitty. You're such a great friend."

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