The New Girl (A Glee Fanfiction)

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(This takes place before Christmas and won't be going through the same story lines leading up to Christmas. In this one, the New Directions won Sectionals, Klaine is back together and Jarley is together. ATM, I'm not sure if I'm gonna have Brittana or Bram together. You guys can tell me in the comments which you want. None of these characters are mine, other than Marcia. All rights go to Ryan Murphy. And now, on to the reading)

I walked through the doors of the school. The halls seemed so long and full. Nothing like my old school. My old school was very small. There was only about 100 or so students in my old school. But, this wasn't my old school. This was my new school. William McKinley High School.

I walked through the halls, looking for my locker. Number 233.

"233. 233." I repeated over and over.

I walked up the hall, looking for 233. I passed 229, 230, 231, 232-

"Ah." I said. "233."

I started putting my books in my locker when the person in the next locker turned and smiled at me. He wore a white shirt with a cardigan over it (picture from Big Brother when they preform Rio/Hungry Like The Wolf) a pair of jeans and a bowtie.

"Hi. I'm Blaine Anderson. You're the new girl, right?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah, my name's Marcia Hales. Pleased to meet you Blaine." I said, shaking his hand.

"Pleased to meet you Marcia. Welcome McKinley. I hope you like it here." he said.

"Thanks." I said. "Uh...before you go, can you show me where Spanish class is?" I asked, looking down at my schedule. "I have it first period."

"That's so crazy. I do too. I can walk you there."

"Thank you! You are amazing!" I said.

"Your welcome." he said. "Oh, and before you ask, I'm not your team." he added.

I raised an eyebrow. Obviously girls had a thing for him. Unfortunately for them, he wasn't into them.

"I wasn't going to ask, but okay." I said.

The day seemed to go by fast. Blaine walked me to the Spanish class and showed me where the rest of them were. I guess Blaine and I really became good friends. After the bell rang, I went to my locker. Blaine was leaning against his. His phone was in his hand and he was smiling about something.

"You seem happy." I said, opening my locker.

"I am." he said, eyes still glued to his phone.

I leaned over a bit to see what he was smiling at.

"Who ya texting?" I asked.

"My boyfriend, Kurt. He lives in New York with our friend Rachel. He works for and goes to this preforming arts school called NYADA." he explained.

"Wow. That's an impressive resumé." I said.

"Yeah. He's amazing. After I graduate, I'm going to apply for NYADA and then we can go to school together and everything."

I smiled. I wished I had a boyfriend like that. Willing to get into the same collage that I wanted to go into so that we could be together. The truth was, I was single. I hadn't had a boyfriend in 3 years. I just couldn't find "the one."

"He sounds really speical." I said.

"He is." he said. "To me." Finally, he put his phone in his pocket and opened his locker. "So, what's your plans for this afternoon?"

"Don't have any at the moment. Might just go home and watch a little TV or something."

"Well, I have Glee Club practice now. If you're not doing anything, you should come. It's non-audition and we're willing to take anyone who wants to join."

"Sure! That sounds like fun. I used to be in a Glee Club in my old school."

"Really? What was your Glee Club's name?" he asked.

"Vocal Adrenaline." I replied.

The choir room was buzzing. Everyone was doing something, whether it be dancing or playing an instrument or even just talking to someone. The minute Blaine and I walked in, everyone went silent and looked at me. I felt a bit uncomfortable. That is, until I seen a boy with brown hair and beautiful eyes looking at me.

He was so cute! He was just sitting there with an empty chair next to him. I knew where I was sitting.

"Okay guys!" a man called. "Let's get started."

Everyone scrambled for a seat. I quickly sat in the seat next to the cute boy before anyone else could take the seat. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"Alright. So, guys, Christmas is coming. Obviously, we're gonna be doing some Christmas numbers. Anyone have any ideas?" the man asked.

There was silence before Blaine raised his hand.


"Well, this isn't about Christmas or anything, but I wanted to introduce everyone to the new girl Marica Hales." Blaine said.

I stood up, gave a slight smile and sat back down.

"Pleased to meet you, Marcia. I'm Finn. Welcome to Glee Club." the man said.

"Thank you, Finn. I'm really excited to be here. In my old school, we had a Glee Club. Huge deal. It was so amazing. I'm so happy that this school has one, too."

"Wow. I've never seen someone that excited over Glee Club. Well, other than Rachel. What was your Glee Club's name?" Finn asked.

"Don't-" Blaine warned.

"Vocal Adrenaline." I said, cutting him off.

Everyone gasped and looked at me. I looked around. So many eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Vocal Adrenaline?" a boy in a wheelchair next to me asked. "As in THE Vocal Adenaline. The ones we beat last year."

"Um, I don't know. I wasn't in last year. I joined this year." I said. "Before I moved."

"Guys, back off her." the cute boy sitting next to me said.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"No problem. I'm Ryder Lynn." he said, extending his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

I smiled. Ryder Lynn. What a cute name.

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