Kitty and Tutoring

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I stood at my locker the next morning. I couldn't stop thinking about Ryder. He was so cute and an amazing singer. I just couldn't believe he was dyslexic. The poor guy only found out that year. That's why I was going to ask him if I could tutor him.

I was smiling to myself at my idea as I pulled out my math book, when suddenly, my locker door slammed shut.

I jumped and turned to see a girl who was shorter than me in a cheerleaders uniform with her blond hair up in a ponytail. Her hand was resting on my locker door. Her nails were a bright red color.

"Hello?" I said, feeling slightly confused.

"I seen you with that Riker kid yesterday in the choir room-" she began.

"His name's Ryder." I said.

"And I know what's going on." the girl continued, ignoring my comment. "It's obvious by the way that you blush and smile. You have a crush on that poor dyslexic boy and I understand. I know how you feel, but if I were you, I'd back off."

"Why?" I asked. "He said yesterday that he's single."

"Oh, he is! It's just, he doesn't like you that way. He likes Marley Rose."

My heart dropped out of my body. He liked Marley? Of course he did! She was beautiful and everything that I wasn't. Why would he like me?

I nodded and tried to hold back my tears.

"O-oh." I said.

The girl put a hand on my back.

"It's okay! Don't be sad. There are other fish in the sea. Better fish. Hotter fish. And the best part is, you're the fisherman. Or fisher...woman."

"Thanks, um-"

"Kitty." she said.

"Thanks, Kitty."

"No problem. Anything for a friend."

I tapped my pencil on the library table as I waited for Ryder. Even though I knew he probably didn't like me, I still went through with the tutoring.

I looked up every few minutes and checked my phone time over and over.

"He's late." I muttered. "Or not coming."

*Ryder's POV*

I collected my math and history book and made my way to the library. Marcia had offered to tutor me and I agreed. I guess being dyslexic has it's perks. Like, I get to hang out with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen for an hour after school, even if we were just doing school work.

I looked down at my phone and gasped.

"Crap! I'm late!" I said and started running down the hall. I stopped just outside the library. There she was. She was just sitting there, waiting. For me.

I took a deep breath and walked in.

*Marcia's POV*

Ryder walked in. I smiled.

"You're late." I pointed out.

He shrugged.

"What are you gonna do? Give me detention?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

"Yes." I said. "Tomorrow at lunch."

We both laughed.

Gosh, he was cute.

Stop it, Marcia! He likes Marley!

"So, let's start with math since you said you've been struggling with that." I said, flipping open my math book.

Ryder did the same. He pointed out everything he was having trouble with and I helped. There were a few things I had to explain, but that was okay.

Half an hour in, I decided to ask the question that was on my mind all day.

"So, Marley. She's pretty, isn't she." I said. Smooth Marcia. Real smooth.

"I guess so. I guess that's why Jake really digs her more than any other girl he's been with." Ryder said.

"Jake? What do you mean he digs her more than any other girl? Has he been with a lot of girls or something?"

"Have you heard of Puck Puckerman?"

"The school stud who graduated last year?" I asked. "Yeah. I've heard of him."

"Well, Jake is his brother. Half-brother, actually. And he was just like his brother. Going after any girl who looked at him, had sex with them then dump them. But, Marley is different to him. He's been dating her for a while now. She's different to him."

"Wow. So, she's dating Jake?"

"Yeah. The lucky guy."

This made my heart (or what was left of it) drop. He did like her. Not me. Of course! How could I be so stupid to think that just because Marley was with Jake that I had any chance with Ryder. I tried to hold back the tears, but failed.

How could I be so dumb? Quickly, I gathered my books, said, "I have to go." and rushed out of the library.

*Ryder's POV*

We were having a great time. Marcia was so smart. At this rate, I would never fail again. Everything was going well, until she asked about Marley. I told her about Jake and how he and Marley were dating, then, Marcia got up and left. She was crying. I didn't know what was wrong.

I began getting my things, when Finn Hudson, the Glee Club co-director (now that Mr. Shue is back), walked in.

"Hey. Isn't that the new girl, Marcia?" he asked.

"Yeah. She's offered to tutor me everyday after school. To help me, you know." I said.

"Oh. Well, why was she crying?"

"I don't know. One minute, we were laughing, having a good time. The next, she's asking about Marley and then she just gets up and leaves."

Finn chuckled to himself and said, "I think I know what the problem is."

I looked at him for a long while before realizing what he meant. I had just talked about one of the girls that I had a crush on to another and she left crying. That could only mean one thing.

"Marcia likes me!" I exclaimed in pure happiness, causing Finn to laugh more.

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