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Andy's POV

Opening my eyes and noticing the clock on my bedside table saying five pm I quickly tried to get up but finding and arm around my waist holding me securely in place, moving the arm as slowly as I can without waking the man that barely sleeps, sleeping next to me I try to stand. My knees almost immediately gave out the moment I tried to stand, huffing on frustration at both my knees and the soreness between my legs I gave all my strength into standing up and steading myself.

I grabbed my phone and closed the door behind me as slowly and quietly as possible and walking into my streaming room at check on messages. Sighing with relief as I sat down silently thanking my seat for being comfortable on my newly bruised parts. The first thing I did was open discord to see who was online, I noticed Rae was playing Rust with Sykunno most likely since they were both playing it. I messaged Rae quickly asking if they had room for one more, while waiting I opened twitter to browse, seeing my followers almost double since this morning made my mouth drop open, they were all friend Corpse I presumed seeing how my tweet from this morning was going crazy and him and I were at the top of the trending page.

After about five minutes of scrolling Rae responded with a simple yes, I quickly opened my game on my second monitor and joining there room on my main.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed as I entered.

"Hey Andy, I don't think I've seen you play Rust before?" Sykunno asked.

"Yeah last time I played I think was on stream and I haven't played since. I never really liked playing by myself, and not many people plays it."

"Well you can play with us anytime!" He said in his soothing voice.

I got into the game with them and were playing for a bit, when Rae asked "Hey how are you doing, I never got ask."

I rubbed the back of my head and stared down as my hand that still looked bad before sighing, "Yeah I'm ok, my hands pretty messed up and my head was hurting this morning but I'm good now, just sore."

"Well my hand would be sore too if I punched a mirror with full force. I'm just glad Corpse lives close enough to have been able to get to you that quickly." Blushing to myself knowing that my hand isn't the most sore part of my body right now and half giggling.

"Yeah he's an amazing guy." I said with a smile thinking about what had happened only a few hours ago, they way he made me feel, like I was on top of the world.

"Hey I wonder if he'd want to play with us?" Sykunno asked as he was fighting a bear in game.

I laughed to myself knowing he wouldn't want to, "Well I doubt it."

"What? Why?" Rae asked with concern in her voice.

"Well he's currently sleeping we had a...busy day you could say." I said as the image on him pulling me to end of the bed between his legs flashed past my eyes.

"Wait he's actually sleeping?" She have question half yelled, everyone knew he doesn't sleep much so finding out that he was must have been a shock to them. After I explained to them that he was indeed sleeping and not just faking it I decided to look at twitter while playing.

As I was scrolling I noticed that people were asking me how I knew Corpse was sleeping, if he was still at my house, and why we were so busy. Confused I quickly asked Rae and Sykunno if they were streaming, they both replied with a yes and my confusion was suddenly cleared up.

I messaged both of them explaining that Corspe and I weren't exactly public and we weren't a couple either just close friends. They responded with apologies and that they understood. After about an hour more of playing my stomach started rumbling and I decided to go ahead and get off, saying goodbye and closing out of everything then turning my set up off I turned in my chair to find a sleepy looking Corpse leaning in the door frame a smirk on his face.

"Well I will say it was a disappointment not finding you in bed when I woke up but seeing you still naked playing a game almost makes up for it." He said his voice even deeper than usual seeing how me just woke up.

"I didn't want to wake you, you don't sleep much." I said my cheeks slowing heating up as I noticed he was in grey sweats with a few love bruises on his shoulders starting to show from earlier.

he walked closer to me and grabbing my wrists pulling me from my chair, he brushed his knuckles against my collarbones and smiled widely. "Seems we have matching marks." he said as he traced his own love marks he left over my chest.

I got to my tip toes and pressed my lips to his for a brief moment before pulling back, "Well you could have told me to stop love."

"I didn't want you to kitten, now what's for dinner?" He said as he was heading to the door only to look back and reach his arm out waiting for me to take his hand. He was a few steps away to that meant I had to walk to him, looking down at my legs hoping they wouldn't give me away I took one step and immediately winced as the pain coursed through my lower body, he must have noticed because I heard his chuckle and felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"I'll go easier on you next time." he said as he walked us out the door.

I laughed lightly before replying, "It's not that, it's just...been awhile."


Sorry I don't update regularly. I'm currently in training for a new position at work so my sleep and work schedule are quite messed up at the moment, hopefully when I'm done with training I'll be more proactive in updating my stories!

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