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Corpse POV

I was sitting in my living room about to leave to go check on Andy's cat when my phone started to blow up from multiple notifications, grabbing the first thing I noticed was a text from Rae.

Have you seen?

Confused I messaged a simple no going on to check my other notifications most were from twitter and a few from discord. Disregarding the discord ones I opened twitter, the first thing I was a tweet saying 'Andy, the sloppy slut.' 

'What?' I asked myself, 'slut? sloppy?' 

Continuing down the feed it kept repeating variations of the same thing, finally coming upon a video, it was of her, Andy standing in front of a man talking to a tall blonde who looked rather annoyed, then came a girl from the side she came up and kissed her cheeked with a large smile plastered on her face, upon further inspection I realized it was Andy. Clicking on the video music started playing, it sounded and looked as if they were in a bar, a country on I'm guessing based o the music playing in the background of the video. I could hear Andy saying "Sweetie there you are I was looking all over for you." she was still staring at the side the blondes face smiling at her, confused at to what was happened and why she called the mystery lady sweetie. 

An emotion took over me, I hadn't felt in a while I wouldn't have placed it at first but after a moment it hit me ,it was jealousy, I was jealous of that blondes cheek and the fact she was getting smiled at by Andy. Turning my attention back to the video I heard the man speak, call her by her first name, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn.t place it, soon Anna came up to her side and whisper something in her ear slowly pulling her arm and turning her only for her to be pulled back the man to his chest. He whispered something to her, her face contorted to one of disgust before replying, "Let me go Erik, please, don't make a scene, I'm over it, I'm over you." Erik that's who that voice was, seeing him, even in a video, made my blood boil he looked nothing like I expected, he looked almost nice but knowing what he was done made that façade fade away. 

He turned her around and leaned in saying something before he crashed his lips to hers, my vision turned red, I closed the video when I saw the blonde and Anna lifting her out of his grasp while he was smirking at Andy. Rage entered my bloodstream, I knew I wasn't thinking rationally as the first thing I did was close out of my twitter and opened my messages going to her contact info, my first thought was to call her and cuss her out but that would be to easy, so instead I put her on DND mode.

 Rae had messaged me 'Don't do anything stupid, I saw it too, we all know what Erik did to her to an extent, he's a manipulator.' to late already done.

Bri's POV

"I didn't hear the door click when she went to the bathroom for her shower. We could his sneak in and grab her phone and delay the inevitable til the morning." I said looking down the hallway towards the bathroom. Anna nodded before making her way the door and turning the knob, when it clicked open she looked back at me as I was making my way slowly behind her with a look of victory on her face. She opened the door slightly and crept inside immediately heading to Andy's pile of clothes and after moving them out of the way she found her phone, grabbing it she slowly made her way out as quietly as she went in. 

"Now what?" I whispered as Anna shut the door.

"Um," she whispered as she motioned to go back to my room, "Oh lets put on the charger and tell her she gave it to us to do that. Maybe she's drunk enough to believe it." 

"OK, um we should clear her notifications right?" 

Anna nodded and did just that before they both heard the water turn off, she got up and walked to the living room with Andy's phone in hand, after a few minutes she emerged from the bathroom. 

"Goodnight Anna, don't get to uncomfortable on that couch, actually wait after all the years you made me sleep on the floor and couch at your house please do." she called giggling as she made her way to my room in her towel. I was stuck starring at her legs as she came walking in, Erik was right about one thing she did get slimmer, but in a healthy way she got toned. I was snapped out of my thoughts by her asking for some shorts to wear to sleep in. After grabbing her some she tucked into bed next to me, only having a queen we were pretty close, she fell asleep before me so  I was still awake when I felt her turn in bed and wrap her arms around me and nuzzled into my neck. Smiling at first because she always had a warmth to her no matter what but that slowly turned to sadness for the fact I knew she wouldn't feel the same way for me as I do for her, though I didn't move her arms instead I wrapped mine around hers and fell into a deep peaceful sleep. 

My sleep was abruptly disturbed when I woke to sounds of loud voices and cold feeling of an empty bed. "God you should have let me punch him!" Andy yelled from the other room.

"Shit." I said as I rushed out of my room.

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