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I was awoke to the sound of my alarm going off, groaning at how early it was I turned it off and rolled back over, back into the arms of Corpse who was already awake smiling down at me. 

"How long have you been up?" I asked cupping his cheek with my hand.

"Only an hour, but before you say I should have woken you, I didn't want to disturb you, and you looked so peaceful sleeping." 

Blushing I nuzzled into his shirt inhaling his cologne, he started tracing patterns on my back before saying, "come on you need to get up, you haven't packed yet." Groaning knowing he was right I reluctantly pulled away from his embrace and body heat to the side of my bed before standing and walking into my closet to pull out my suitcase. After a short time I was packed and dragging my suitcase down the stairs and into the front hall where I left it and headed to the kitchen. Smiling as I entered since I noticed Corpse had already had a coffee ready for me when I walked in. 

We talked for a bit about random things before it was time for me to start heading to the airport so I grabbed my phone to order an uber before Corpse had grabbed it out of my hand shaking his head slightly, "what do you think you doing?" he asked as he locked and set the phone down.

"Ordering a ride, I don't want to drag my car all the way there just to pay for it to sit in a parking lot." I exclaimed before going to pick my phone up again only to have him grab it out of my reach again. Crossing my arms and glaring at him with an expression that said, give me my phone.

"I'm gonna drive you to the airport so let's go!" he said with a small chuckle before walking away a few steps before noticing I wasn't following, "I want to spend as much time with as I can before I don't get you for who knows how long." he explained before continuing to the front hall where his shoes and my suitcase were sitting.

Shaking my head I walked over to him and grabbed my thick jacket out of the closet before picking my keys up and following him out the door. He looked at me weird after I had handed my front door keys and got into his passenger seat. "What I need someone to make sure Marb has food." he nodded then looked even more confused at the jacket I had draped over my legs, "Oh this yeah I don't want to freeze, it's October and Missouri isn't the warmest place."


The plane landed in the Kansas City airport a little after 2PM, and I didn't get my bag for another ten minutes due to the cold weather and workers usually don't like to move fast when it's cold out, though I don't blame them. Checking my phone I noticed a message from my dad saying where he was waiting for me so I rushed out to find him leaning against his old Explorer, which used to be mine before I bought a new car. A smile quickly spread across my face as I rushed over to his out stretched arms. "I missed you sweetie." he quickly said, "Sorry it couldn't be on  more positive note though."

The ride back to the house pretty uneventful, mostly just catching up on what I missed in town, before I knew it we were pulling up to an all to familiar white house with a large pasture that had a few cows, goats, and horses grazing. "We kept almost everything the same, well except the rooms we changed those." he said placing a hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts. I sold my old house to my parents before I moved seeing as it was built by my uncle so I didn't want a stranger to come in and redo everything to their liking. 

Before I even got out of the car I was engulfed in a hug from my sister and her squealing about how much she missed me and how my niece missed me, not long after she let me go a small toddler was attached to my legs smiling up at me, "Auntie Andy I heard you have boyfriend." she exclaimed looking up at me with dreamy childlike eyes, after the blush subsided I quickly picked her u and told that I was still single and carried her into the house. My step mother was the next to engulf me before I could take my shoes off. After catching up I decided it was time to go see Daisy, "So is she in the barn or?" I asked looking over my dad.

"Come on, I'll take you."

Nodding I got up and put on some boots and a jacket before stepping out into the frigid air and followed my dad out to the barn, upon stepping inside I immediately saw her laying with a blanket draped over part of her. I ran up to her and sat down by her head avoiding the horns best I could, "Oh girl you really don't look good do you?" I asked scratching her head. She must have recognized my voice because she lifted her head and placed it on my legs, not looking up I asked my dad, "did you call the vet?" he said no that they were waiting for me since they didn't want to be the one to make big decisions if need be, nodding I told his to go ahead call them. I didn't leave the barn that night instead my dad and niece brought out a pillow and a couple blankets for me to sleep with. Before falling asleep I decided to text Corpse telling him I had arrived safe and that the vet was gonna be there in the morning to check Daisy out. 

The next morning the vet came and took some blood samples before saying that it wasn't just an infection otherwise she'd be up moving, but she doesn't seem to be in pain so until tests come back she needs to be checked on every hour or so to make sure she's eating properly.

 I miss you, I can't sleep without you hear

Corpse it's been a day, but I miss you too

Any news?

They took blood so now were waiting, call me I miss your calming deep voice

After a while of chatting and telling him out my family a little my eyes slowly started to droop and before I knew it was overtaken by sleep, my dreams that night were interesting to say the least, mostly consisted of Corpse and a bed in the middle of a garden. 

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