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Andy's POV

"Andy if you don't get your ass out of that bed I'll go get a bucket of water!" a woman called from the side of the bed I was laying on. Groaning I grabbed my pillow and threw it at her only making matters worst since she decided to jump on me and go after my sides.

"NO BRI! PLEASE!" I yelled between laughs as she tickled me relentlessly, Bri was another one of my childhood friends right along with Anna we had been through it all together and that made us inseparable. Bri laughed as she rolled over on to the other side of my bed laughing the whole way, she looked over at me with concern in her eyes before speaking, "How are you A?" 

"I'm managing you know like always, its gets a little better everyday." I said never taking my eyes off the ceiling, though I know she was looking at me. 

"I heard what happened on the stream, you know he still lives in town. He kind of lost it when you left."

"Yeah, well, maybe he shouldn't take advantage of a grieving widow. Besides," I lifted my hand looking at the cuts that were still healing, "I needed to leave and he would have just somehow convinced me to stay." I finally turned my head to see her with a small smile, turning on my side I reached out and grabbed her hand and squeezing it.

"Were going out tonight, you have no say in this, it's been to long and I know you miss riding that bull!" she said before lacing our fingers together, pulling me up and out of bed. 

Making our way down to the kitchen I sat net to Anna, who was talking to my sister, my dad was on the phone while pouring his coffee. He turned around looking at me as he put his phone down. "Honey," he said taking in  a breath not making eye contact with me, "they got the results back."

I just stared at him blankly waiting for him to continue, "It's bone cancer. It's farther along than the vets like." I felt a hand on my knees, both of them as my friends put them there and shook them, I heard the beating of my heart inside my ears like a wave, didn't even notice when the hot tears slid down my cheeks.

'When?' was all I was able to get out, I didn't even hear his answer but reading his lips it looked like a week, nodding I numbly stood up and walked to the bathroom starting the shower.


"So why am I still coming out after the news this morning?" I asked my friends as we got out of the UBER.

"Because one you need a huge distraction and two I know you missed our normal bar." Anna said paying for out entrance into PBR. Looking around it was still the same old country bar only it had a new bull to ride.

"Ah that's right you haven't ridden the new bull yet, oh you are gonna have fun!" Bri said already heading to the bar, Anna looked over at me and leaned to whisper, "You know you still have to rescue her from any boy, or girl that she get uncomfortable by."

Nodding leaning in to her ear, "She's still ok with that after last time?" Anna looked at me and only nodding as Bri was returning with three cups in her hands. It was about an hour into the night when I looked over to see a man had approached Bri with a cup in his hands, nudging Anna in the side she looked to where I was seeing the same thing. We scooted closer to her, Anna trying to listen while I studied her facing. It only took a minute for her to look around aimlessly until she saw us and made eye contact.

Handing my drink to Anna telling her duty calls before I sauntered over to the side of Bri putting my hand around her should and kissing her on the cheek, "Sweetie there you are I was looking all over for you." I said sweetly into the side of her face making sure it was loud enough for the man to hear. 

"Hello Andrea." I immediately shot my eyes to the cold blue ones shooting daggers at me, I didn't even notice the man she was talking to, it was Erik. He was changed, cut his hair and became slimmer, more muscle than last time. My smile dropped as I stared at him and instantly sobered a little more. Anna must have noticed my change since she appeared next to me grabbing my shoulder. 

"Not here." 

They turned me around but before I could walk away Erik had grabbed my wrist pulling me to him, grunting as my back collided with his chest. "You know you're not the only who changed, I see you like longer hair and you're much slimmer than last time I saw you." he said as he inhaled my scent, I wanted to vomit right then and there.

"Let me go Erik, please, don't make a scene, I'm over it, I'm over you." I said trying to get out of his grip.

He turned me in his arms, "Just one more thing." he crashed his lips to mine, harshly, painfully. I felt a pair of hands grip my forearms picking me up and away from him. I could see his smirk as I was carried away so I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see that smirk, it was evil, vile. When I opened my eyes I was standing in the largest stall in the bathroom, I didn't even think as I rushed to the toilet and heaved the contents of my stomach into the bowl. Bri was rubbing circles into my back while Anna was asking if I wanted to leave.

"I want this taste out of my mouth, Bri, I know you have feelings for me, but i need this so please, please let me kiss you!" I shouted standing up and grabbing her arms.

"Andy, I don't know." she said looking at me with hurt in her eyes, she had confessed her feelings for me when Col and I were still dating, but I rejected her saying I didn't want to ruin what we had not to mention I was in a committed relationship.

"Please." I begged, she nodded and put her hands on my arms, I cupped her face and leaned in closing the distance as I kissed her, she tasted like pineapple juice. I could feel her arms snake around my back as my hands started making there way into her long blonde locks. She traced my bottom lip with her tongue asking for entrance, without thinking I parted my lips letting her in to explore my mouth and tongue. 

"Ok ew, you taste like vomit and vodka." She said taking a step back from me. Laughing I turned to Anna who was deeply invested in her phone to care. 

"UBER's here lets go. That ass hat killed my mood." Nodding in agreement we made out way out of the bar and to our ride. We ended up at Bri's apartment. 

"Ok we got the couch and my bed, I don't care about you guys but I'm going to my bed one or both can join I don't care." Bri said before turning around to go to her room.

"Hey, can I shower I feel gross."  I asked, she nodding and opened a door and turned a light on, I assumed it was the bathroom.

Anna's POV

Andy was in the shower and I was sitting on the couch waiting to go next when I got a notification form twitter. Opening it I almost screaming but refrained, instead I raced to Bri's bed handing the now confused girl my phone. She quickly looked at what I handed her and looked up with wide eyes, "She can't see this." 

"What are we gonna do?  Surly she got the notification too." I said looking down as my phone as the video replayed.

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