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Hello everyone I realized that I never extant described what Andrea/Andy looks like.

She is 5'6'' with raven black hair, its not natural and it'll change often, I'll add pictures of  it and the outfits if guys would like, so just let me know. She has piercing green eyes with a hint of blue around the rims.

 She has piercing green eyes with a hint of blue around the rims

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I looked around as the cold hit my skin, small wet droplets pelt the side of my face. As I look around I see snow, 'Why is there snow in San Diego, oh my god is that blood?' i try to say but no words come out, I scrunch my nose in confusion. I look around the muddy looking snow begins to grow dark red, Oh god is that my blood? I question myself, Where am I, am I back home?' I try again but still nothing.

I can't move my right leg, as I turn to look at leg which is being crushed by the door that's been caved in on it my face turns to horror as i realize where I am, I'm back in Missouri on that December afternoon. As start searching for Col, a trail of blood about 20feet from the car, it lead to his lifeless body. I try to scream out "NO COL PLEASE NO!" nothing came out.


I jolt up from my nightmare, sweat rolling down my face, I look around my room empty as always, I take a deep breathe as I try to calm my racing heart. As the beating of my heart began to calm I could hear something coming from my phone as I remembered I was on a call from Corpse

"Fuck," I looked around my bed for my phone, "oh my god, I'm so sorry did I wake you?" I asked without hearing what he was saying.

"Andrea are you ok? there was screaming?" He asked his voice much deeper than usual, he must have been sleeping, great I woke the man that doesn't sleep.

"I-I, I'm ok it was a nightmare I get them often my medication doesn't always work but I'm ok now, I'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you, I know you don't sleep much."

"Andy it's ok i had only just fallen asleep, I'm more worried about you right now, the way you screamed it wasn't a normal scream it was like you saw something you didn't want to." He said concerned sounding.

"It was, it was something, um I saw, uh I saw my husband, h-he was" I choked my tears down trying to finish my sentence, "he was dead, I was dreaming about the crash that took his and our babies life." I said not being able to hold them in anymore.

My head fell into my hands as hot tears fell down my face. The memories from that day were always a blur until I was sleeping, they always seem to be vivid almost like I was reliving it. Just an movie that was already out, I couldn't change anything about it.

"Oh my god, I didn't know about what happened in the crash, I knew it was bad just not that bad."

"You didn't know about the deaths? I figured after the stream you'd research considering I just ignored you're questions about, also I posted a video about what happened, even though most people don't believe that's what actually happened." I manage to say through my tears.

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