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Hey, I'm sure you saw the video and I want to explain please call me or something. I should be home Monday.

That was sent one Thursday, it was now Saturday and no reply was received, the vets said that if we didn't do something for Daisy she would only get worse, so decided to do the right thing though it would probably turn out to be the hardest as well.

"They said they'd swing back by tonight to administer the drugs to put her to sleep." My dad said as I was making my way out to the barn where she was resting, I only nodded.

Daisy ended up having cancer, we put her down just a few hours ago, turns out I'm coming home sooner than expected, tomorrow afternoon actually. Please reply.

"I don't usually sound desperate but I haven't heard from him since the video was released." I said to Bri as we sat in the bed I was sleeping in.

"Well maybe he's just busy, isn't he supposed to be working on his music? Or maybe he's recording videos?"

"He doesn't pre record videos, just edits live streams. And yeah he's working on music but he's supposed to be watching Marb."

Could you at least let me know if Marb is ok?

The day went on normally, we pampered Daisy with all her favorite treats and groomed her by putting flowers in her hair, we made the whole day about her. When the vets came they said it would take about 30 minutes till the process was done, that she'd just go to sleep and not wake up. My family, friends, and I all sat around with some music softly playing while talking about the memories we have of her, around 15 minutes in people started to clear out, eventually it was just my dad and me, he may not have been around in my childhood but after my mother died he stepped up more.

It was the morning and I was laying on the couch, confused because the last thing I remember was petting Daisy's head as her breathing stopped and they called it, I had a splitting headache, probably from the tears of last night. I had checked my phone, no new texts, only twitter notifications, as well as a missed call. Quickly realizing it was my lawyer I decided to call them back so I headed out to the back porch with a blanket wrapped tightly around me to help fight off the cold morning winds. It was a short call he mostly was telling me that Erik was trying to deny everything and that the case would most likely go to court, great, I thought. The day was mostly spent dealing with the vets and paying bills to get Daisy cremated and shipped out to San Diego, before I went to bed I packed my bag and put it by the door, ultimately deciding to try Corpse one more time, I got to his contact page and clicked call, waiting for him to answer was excruciating and slow. Just when I thought he answered I realized it had gone to voicemail.

Hey, sorry you might be sleeping, or recording, I don't know honestly you won't answer me, I hope you're ok. I'm gonna be home tomorrow morning. I leave for the airport in about four hours, I'm gonna take a nap, but if you decide to call me back before then my phones gonna on and we both know I'm a light sleeper. Well I'll see you soon, hopefully, bye.

I was woken by my grandmother softly shaking me and calling my name telling me it was time to head to airport, nodding I slowly got out of bed and slid on some sweats and a white crop top and grabbed my bag heading out to the car, I gave everyone a hug and got in the passenger seat. My dad and I drove in silence all the way there, once we got the drop off area he pulled me into a hug and whispered, "If he's not making you happy then fuck him, or her." I only nodded too tired to go into detail about it all, plus there wasn't enough time.

This is a short chapter I'm sorry, I actually don't like a lot of it but I couldn't just skip straight to back at California now could it...probably but I didn't, hopefully the next one will be longer.   

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