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Andy's POV

Corpse and I were laying on the couch entangled in each others arms when my phone started ringing from the ground where we placed both our phones, groaning I untangled myself from Corpses' grasp and picked my phone. Giving him a small kiss before I answered it, "Hello," I said as I walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, it's dad." my father said, laughing i quickly replied that I knew it was him because of caller ID and asked what was up.

"Well, it's Daisey, she uh, she's not doing well I think you need to come home for a bit to see her." He said with as much calmness as the man could muster.

"Daisey?" I asked, she was the first animal I bought after Marb, she was a Highland cow. "But she's not that old is she's what 8, they say highlands can live up to 18 years." panicked was laced in my voice, Daisey was the first farm animal I owned and I researched highlands for years before I decided to buy one.

"Well she's been declining steadily for a while but we didn't think it was serious until we noticed she wasn't eating much and not getting up for long periods. I think you need to come see her maybe she just misses you." My father said to me again.

Taking in a deep breath as to not start crying, "Yeah you're probably right ok I'll get the next plane home." hanging up I went up stairs to my recording room to book a flight back to Missouri. As I was sitting there my mind was racing from all the scenarios of what could be wrong when I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and breath on the side of my neck.

"Hey love, sorry I didn't mean to just leave you down there." I said as leaned into the side of his head.

"What's up who was on the phone?" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine as he asked the question and placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"It was my dad, I have to go home, I'm just booking a flight for the morning."

"Home? As in Missouri home?" He asked suddenly looking over as the side of my face from where he was leaning over the side of my chair, concern was littered throughout his words.

"Yeah, its my cow, dad says she's not doing well." I said turning my head to meet his eyes. Confusion suddenly took over his features and before he could ask I quickly said, "yes I have a cow, her names Daisey." he nodded and leaned his head back on my shoulder.

"What time are you leaving?"

"Noon, its the earliest time."

"Just one ticket?" He asked not looking up.

"Yes? Why?"

"Just wondering if you wanted someone to come for support." He said with a shrug.

Turning my head to look at him, he had his cheek on my shoulder looking at my with concern in his eyes and a small smile playing on his lips, slowing a small smile started to spread throughout my own lips, "Love, I'd love for you to come, but I don't think it would be a good idea to bring home the guy I've been talking to for a situation such as this one." He nodded in agreement and stood up looking at my computer before he turned my chair around seeing as how my ticket was already paid for, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me out of the chair I was sitting in and placed me over his shoulder.

"What are you doing, put my down!" I exclaimed, he laughed ignoring my pleas and continued down the hall til he reached my bedroom door. He finally set me down after he had entered the room. I looked up at him shaking my head and laughing as he looked down at me with a smile plastered across his face one with just a hint of deviousness in it. "What are you planning sir? Hmm?"

"Wanna take a bath? You know relax?" He said looking over my head at the bathroom.

Turning around to look into the bathroom as well as if to find something out of the ordinary only finding nothing I nodded thinking it was a good idea, I headed into the bathroom to the large tub and turning the water on while throwing a peachy clean bath bomb in as well. Corpse came up behind me grabbing my waist and turning me around to face him. He grabbed the hem of my shirt that I had thrown on before we down for some dinner and started pulling it off and throwing it to the side, then he went to the waist of my sweats and dragging them to the ground leaving kisses on my thighs as he came to stand back up to look at my naked body before him. A smirk played across his face as he looked me up and down with hunger in his eyes.

"Come your turn." I said starting to pull his shirt off, running my fingers down his chest and stomach before stopping at the waist of his own sweats. He reached his hands down and placed them over the top of mine, slowly he removed his sweats, in taking my hand he lead me over to the edge of the tub and helped me in before he got down behind me pulling me to his chest, resting one arm on the side of the tub and the other over my chest making circles on the opposite arm.

I leaned back into his hard chest turning my head to face his profile placing small kisses on his jawline, down his neck, lightly brushing my tongue back up it. His breath hitched as I did so, his hand slowly made its way to my breast as he palmed it and rolled my nipple between his tips lightly tugging causing my own breath to hitch against his neck. His turned his head downward into the groove of my neck kissing and teasing around the spot that I wanted him to kiss, he knew what he was doing as a small moan escaped my lips into his ear.

His free hand glided down my thigh massaging his way to the inner part gliding up towards my core as he dragged his tongue over my sweet spot making my head pull back onto his shoulder and eyes flutter shut, his fingers grazed my core sending a shuddering gasp out of my throat. I could feel his smile form as he said in a low gutter all voice "Oh kitten you know that only encourages me." , then he bit down and plunged a finger in making me moan in ecstasy. His thumb pressed against my clit in a circling motion as he sucked at my neck leaving small purple marks down to my shoulder only increasing pace as my moans became more erratic til I was almost over the edge, "come kitten," bite, "come for me," harder, "that's it," I moaned as I rode the wave of the pleasure before he unplugged the drain and stood up.

"What was that for?"

"You needed to relieve some stress before bed." Was all he said as he handed me a towel and helped me out the tub.

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