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Andy's POV

I woke with a feeling of something warm in my arms, upon opening my eyes I saw Bri nestled in my arms still sleeping, looking around I suddenly remembered what had happened last night. Quickly detangling from Bri but also carefully as to not wake her I walked into the living room of her apartment where I was met with an already awake Anna sliding over a cup of coffee to me. "I knew you'd be up soon, you never sleep late even on nights we've been out drinking."

"Thanks, it wasn't as bad as I'm thinking it is, is it?" I asked sipping my drink.

"Well, it could have been worse."

'What do you mean by that? Erik found us in a bar and he kissed me. Slimy prick." I said looking around for my phone, finding it on the table beside the couch I grabbed it and unlocked it. There were five messages from Rae, two from Sykunno, and a lot from twitter, almost over one hundred. "What the hell?" I grumble to myself as I look at the texts first, both Rae and Sykunno were skiing if I was alright. "That's weird."

"Hmm?" Anna asked as she slid into the seat next to mine.

"Rae and Sykunno, friends I play games and record with, are asking if I'm ok." I say showing her the messages. She just nods and sips her coffee. Next I opened twitter, saying it was chaotic was an understatement, most were calling me slurs such as slut or drunk, some were calling me a cheater and asking how I could do that to Corpse. "Well now I'm thoroughly confused, one I'm not a drunk and don't consider myself a slut, and two I'm not in a relationship with Corpse."

Anna still sat silent as I continued to scroll through my twitter feed, after a while I came across a video, it looked familiar like I was watching something that happened but from a different point of view, pressing on it the memory I was trying to forget was playing out in front of me, anger flooded my system as I watched Erik pull me to him and spin me around to then kiss me. "Are you fucking kidding me? Someone recorded it?" I said my nostrils flaring as the words flew out of my mouth.

Anna finally looked over at me, "Well, it appears you're taking this a little better than we thought you would."

"God you should have let me punch him!" I yelled standing up from the chair I was sitting in. I heard a muffled voice from the bedroom where Bri was sleeping and then I saw her sprinting in a second later.

"Andrea, listen I know it looks bad-"

"Looks bad? Ha that's funny because it looks like my ex kissed me and someone recorded it!" I spat at her still fuming. "Where does this fucker live now? I'm going to pay him a long overdue visit." I say storming off to the door. I grab my jacket and Bri's car keys.

"He still lives in the same complex as always." Anna said coming up behind me.

"No, no you're not going to go pay him a visit, and Anna you're not helping the situation, she needs to calm down." Bri said standing in front of the door with a stern look on her face though she was out numbered and I was angry.

"Bri, you know when she's angry you can't change her mind, she rarely gets angry and it's not pretty, I don't want to be the one between her and her target and I know for a fact you don't either so come with us and we can be there so things don't get to bad." Anna said, slightly pulling on Bri's arm. After a moment Bri nodded and took the keys from my hand, we drove in silence, my mind flooding with things to say, and anger flooding through my veins as I watched the video one more time. After about five minutes of driving we arrived at the all too familiar complex. I didn't even wait til she had the car in park before opening my door and getting out. Making my way to Erik's door I banged on it three times and waited with my fist clenched so hard I know there are probably half moons forming on my palms. My patience ran thin and knowing I was in the south I tried the handle, not to my surprise it was unlocked, looking back to my friends and noticing they were still trying to trek up to me and walked inside.

"Erik, where the fuck are you!" I yelled as I walked in going straight for his room, I heard shuffling and the next thing I know he's walking out of the bathroom a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well hello Andrea, long time no see."

"You slimy bastard, wipe that smirk off your face before I do, now who did you pay to take that video?" I said as I stood in front of him with my shoulders squared.

"Video? What video princess?" he said still smirking, he made a move to grab my waist but I stepped back out of reach.

"Don't fucking touch me."

He tried to take a step toward me but before he could my palm collided with his cheek, a loud smack sound vibrated through the apartment, he side eyed me as a sinister smirk grew across his face, "Shouldn't have done that princess." Before I could react he grabbed me by the hair and pulled it enough to where I was staring up at him from an angle, a sickly sweet smile still on his lips he dragged me to the bedroom and threw me on his bed.

"Get off me!" I screamed as he climbed up on top of me straddling my thighs. He leaned down close to my ear and whispered, "Oh princess I've missed you." He trailed his hands down my sides as he looked at me, I quickly grabbed the closest thing to me, feeling it was a book, and hit him over the head with it until he was laying beside me.

"Andy?" I heard Bri and Anna yelling for me from the other room.

"Call the cops!" I yell as I rush out the room holding the door closed the best I could.

After a few minutes the cops arrived and questioned what was happened, with a quick recount of the story they had Erik in cuffs and in the back of a cop car, they asked if I needed medical attention, saying that I wasn't injured badly they let us follow them to the station to write up a formal report and start on the papers for the restraining order that was recommended to me. When we finally got back to my parents house they all filled out and were asking questions, saying they heard something was going on over the police scanner. I quickly reassured them everything was alright and that I was just tired and needed a bath.

While drawing the water for the bath I quickly texted Corpse, Hey, I'm sure you saw the video and I want to explain what happened please call me or something. I should be home Monday.

He didn't reply, or even call for the rest of the visit home, even after I let him know I would be coming home a day early because we decided to go ahead and put Daisy down. 

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