Embrace Me - Kirumi Tojo (NSFW Warning)

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Requested by: FruitFrump

A/N: The reader is touch-starved by the way.


"Do you want to do it...?"

"If that's okay..."


Your parents didn't give you much attention as a kid. Growing up, any form of physical contact was deprived from you. No hugs, no sensual comfort, nothing. It was like growing up in the dark, the feeling of warmth burning out like a candle flame. Leaving you cold, alone, and tired.

You were hungry, to put it short. Starving for the love your parents never had. The sensual love of another human being...

Though, everything changed when you met your wife, Kirumi...

Stroking the cat Kirumi got for you, you smiled when it purred, leaning up against your touch. It was another rainy day, moody with heavy downpour as you waited for your beloved to come back home from work.

Your cat --you named him Nuggets-- stretched out in your lap before jumping down to do something else. Leaving you alone once more.

Now, the reason why Kirumi got you Nuggets in the first place, was for you to have something to touch when she wasn't there. But whenever Nuggets had enough, you respected his space. Even though you were left with a cold feeling of hunger.

Watching with saddened eyes, you leaned back into the couch and wrung your fingers. A habit you picked up whenever you needed to feel someone's touch. "Kirumi..." you mumbled aloud, glancing at the door from time to time. Waiting for the moment she comes through the door.

You continued to wring at your fingers, a nagging feeling of want jumping back at your throat. You thought you were selfish for wanting her touch now, so you tried distracting yourself with a book. Though it proved to be useless in the end as you were still thinking about her.

The sound of keys jingling into your lock made you gasp quietly, looking up to see the doorknob wriggling open.


The door swung open and your wife walked in. Tired, breathless, and honestly just very relieved to be home.

"Y/N," she sighed, mustering up enough strength for a smile.

Ecstatic, you leapt to your feet and ran to greet her. Stopping when you reached arm distance. Hesitant, a small frown pulled at your lips, your anxiety wrangling you with thoughts of 'maybe she doesn't want to...'

"Can I...?" you voiced softly, your eyes filled with desire, fingers twitching with want.

Kirumi smiled at you, chuckling to herself. "We're married, Y/N. You can hug me anytime."

She set down her bags and spread her arms, inviting you in for a hug. Even though Kirumi was a very reserved person, she made an effort to be as physical for you as possible. Knowing what you went through, she never wanted you to suffer the same way again. She promised.

Leaning in to her touch, you winced and wrapped your arms around her. Her arms enveloping over you and filling you with warmth.

'She's co cold...but so warm...'

Trembling, you buried your face into her chest and lingered there, savoring every moment of her loving touch. Kirumi sighed contently and ran her fingers through your hair, wondering why in the world your parents would neglect you so badly.

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