Tipsy - Celestia Ludenberg

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Requested By: _jabami-san


"S/O darling, are you alright?"

"Hnngh stay... stay with me Celeste..." 


Now, you weren't a heavy drinker. In fact, you rarely even touched cheap alcohol, learning to prefer the taste of fine wine thanks to your fiance; Celeste. However, Celeste took you to a formal event in which they had expensive wine from around the world, and Celeste eventually ushered you to just have a few tastes. 

You must admit, the couple sips were pretty tasty, however you weren't aware of how strong the alcohols were, almost little to nothing diluted in the liquid at all. This led to you a being a bit more tipsy than you would've wanted. 

Celeste was talking to a group of other rich folk when she noticed you wandering into the restrooms, your walk showing that you were a little more ways tipsy. 

Quickly excusing herself and walking into the women's restroom, she saw you washing your face at the sink, your posture slouched a bit. "S/O darling?" Celeste's voice echoed, startling you and making you jump. 

"C-Celeste!" you yelped, stumbling a bit and almost falling if the counter of the sink weren't there to steady you. 

She chuckled with her hand over her lips, "Yes, it is me darling. Is something the matter?" 

Your face was flushed from getting drunk on just a few sips, a mixture of embarrassment as well. 

You didn't like it when you got wasted, especially in front of your dearest.

"U-Uhm... n-no, nothing-" you stammered, finding it hard to speak. 

The effects of the wine had made it feel like your throat was clogged with a thick fog, almost like your body didn't allow you to speak. 

Your head ached with a sensation mixed with pain and excitement, as alcohol tended to have that sort of trait. 

Celeste hummed to herself in thought as she scanned over your posture. You were leaning against the sink, trying to steady yourself as your legs awkwardly criss crossed each other, slightly trembling from trying to stand. 

Giggling, Celeste reached her hand out to you. 

"Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd say my darling is drunk," she says, caressing your cheek in a loving manner. 

Your face flushed even more, about to push her hands away when she cupped both of your cheeks. 

"I suppose we should head home," Celeste hummed, about to help you out. 

"N-No!" you squeaked out, your voice a higher pitch than your regular tone. 

Celeste was surprised, and retracted her hands from you.

Though your mind was foggy, you still had the thought to think about your lover's enjoyment. 

"W-We can stay! I-I don't want to ruin this... party for you... I-I know you've wanted to g-go for... a really long time..." you breathed out, your breath hitching before each new phrase. 

Though your legs felt like they were growing shorter, you pushed yourself off from the sink, only to stumble and nearly fall. 

Well, nearly. 

Celeste caught you by the waist and slowly set you down on the floor, sitting with you in the process. 

Now, Celeste would never even think of sitting on something as disgusting as a bathroom floor, but for you, she'd do anything. 

"I'll call our chauffeur," she simply stated, taking out her phone and calling your driver. 

You felt awful. Just because you decided to have a few drinks, Celeste now had to take up the responsibility to bring you home. Cutting her entertainment at the party short. 

"I'm... sorry, Celeste," you murmured, staring at the tiled floor of the restroom. 

Celeste hummed at the apology, "Whatever for my darling?" 

You clung onto Celeste and nearly cried, feeling an immense amount of emotion burrowing in your stomach. 

Ah yes, you were the clingy, emotional drunk, one that Celeste would most likely not like-

But if it were you, she'd find it absolutely adorable, one of the cutest things about you actually.

Celeste awkwardly gave an airy laugh and started playing with your hair. 

"I'm sorry you... have to leave... because of me..." you breathed out, clinging onto the elegant black dress Celeste wore. 

She chuckled and patted your head. 

"Dear, I'd rather spend my time with you than at any party. You are my future wife after all," she smiles. 

You flushed a bright crimson, remembering the night Celeste asked for your hand in marriage, presenting the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen. 

You chuckled nervously and burrowed your head into Celeste's chest out of pure fluster, clinging onto her like a baby koala. 

"Clingy aren't you?" Celeste teased, making you scrunch your face closer to her chest. 

"That's okay, our chauffeur should be here soon, my love," she assured, caressing your H/C locks. 

You let out a breathy whine as you snuggled closer to your dear, not wanting to let go. The affects of the wine really making you regret your decision tomorrow. 

"S/O darling, are you alright?"

"Hnngh stay... stay with me Celeste..." 

You whispered the sentence quietly, so that only you and Celeste could hear. 

Celeste's heart melted at your soft words, her face dusted with the lightest coat of pink. 

"I'll stay," she assured, leaning down and pecking your shoulder. 



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