SDR2 Girls React to S/O Bringing Their Pet to School

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Requested by: Twylia__

A/N: The requester didn't specify what kind of pet S/O brings...soooo...

I'm gonna have a little fun with this one ;)


Chiaki Nanami

- "...Is that a Magikarp--"

-You brought your goldfish to school.

- "Morning Chiaki! Look who I brought."

-Plopping down a glass fish bowl, (I know fish bowls are horrible things to keep fishes in but bear with me) you watched as Chiaki's eyes widened at the sight of a large goldfish swimming around in front of her. 

- "S/ brought a Pokémon with you?"

- "No silly, this is Darwin! I brought him to school with me because he's always lonely at home."

-Darwin stared back at Chiaki with a derpy-like face and blew bubbles in her general direction. Your girlfriend smiling at the interaction and pressing her finger up against the glass. 

- "He reminds me of you."

- "What, derpy-looking and slow?"

- "No, cute."

Mikan Tsumiki

- "Mikaaan. I wanna show you someone!"

- "S-Someone? Oh...alright."

- "Ta-da!"

-Mikan gasped when she saw the little axolotl floating around in your make-shift travel tank. Your pet looking up at Mikan with big googly eyes and a smile. 

- "Mikan, this is my son, Mudkip. He's super friendly, and get's excited over tiny pebbles."

- "Bloop."

-Your girlfriend absolutely loves Mudkip. She'll ask to feed him during class, and would offer to watch him whenever you had to use the bathroom and such.

-She treats the little amphibian like her own child. 

- "Ehehe...look S/O. Mudkip is hiding. Isn't he cute?"

-Would often come over to your house/dorm just to see Mudkip.

Ibuki Mioda

- "Woahhh, what's that S/O?"

- "Ibuki! Meet my pet hedgehog, Sonic!"

-The moment you brought a pet carrier to school, Ibuki was immediately interested. Already asking to hold him the moment she laid eyes on it.

- "Don't hold him on his back, okay?"

- "Okay!"

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