Princess Charming - Sonia Nevermind

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Requested by: Me. Because I was inspired by my Tea Party aesthetic to write something with Sonia. 


"I'd...I'd like that a lot..."

 "Mm, well I look forward to seeing you then, Miss Y/N."


You were nothing but a mere florist in the streets of Novoselic. Beautiful yet humble, your shop was one of the finest in the kingdom. For not just your flowers, but for your looks as well. 

Forty percent of the time, your customers were not just buyers, but people who wanted to ask for your hand in marriage. Usually buying flowers anyway to try and talk to you longer. It worked...partially, but you had no interest in marrying anyone. At least...that's what you thought...

Your shop's popularity eventually caught the attention of Princess Sonia Nevermind. Who was hosting a grand ball for the kingdom, and needed a large assortment of flowers as soon as possible.

So when she first heard about your shop, she decided to stop by secretly to make an arrangement. Dawning a mysterious black cloak and hood to hide her identity. But when she entered however, she couldn't believe her eyes. 

"Ah, hello! Welcome to L/N's Flowers, may I help you with anything?"

Sonia gasped silently, feeling her cold, pale cheeks rise in temperature. Beautiful was an understatement. From the rumors she had heard about you, she thought you were just an ordinary young woman with a beautiful face. 

She could never be more wrong. 

You were an absolute goddess. 

"Ah...h-hello?" you spoke again, confused as to why the mysterious figure stood silent. 'I swear...if this is a robbery...'

You bit your lip, fear starting to rise in the back of your throat. ' probably is! I mean, who wears a black hood in the middle of summer?!'

Noticing your change in posture, Sonia froze and began to speak her next words. "O-Oh! My apologies, I was just charmed by your beauty that I forgot what to say...I apologize once again."

Now it was your turn to blush. It was a woman. 

Her voice was soothing to hear, and her mannerisms were extremely polite. Sounding exactly like a story-book princess. It was charming, to say the least. Extremely charming.

"Ah, I see. Don't worry, it's alright," you smiled, blushing a little bit. "Now, how can I help--"

"Miss Y/N!" a male voice exclaimed. Cutting you off.

'Oh no...'

You mentally cringed when you saw the door fly open. A man that you knew far too well was standing there, smiling and out of breath. "Y/N! Guess what! Guess, c'mon!"

"David...I'm in the middle of a service, please don't--"

He ignored your pleads and pushed past the mysterious woman. Making her yelp out in surprise. "D-David!" you scolded, about to apologize to the woman before David leaned over the counter-top, an ecstatic grin on his face. "I got the promotion, Y/N! Now I can finally afford that fancy dinner date with you!"

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