DR1 Girls With a Tired S/O

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Requested by: NuggePolice2716

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates. I've said this before on my wall, but for those of you who haven't seen it. My laptop is basically broken now, so I have to continue writing on my phone.

I was originally going to take a short hiatus, but with how long it's been taking for my laptop to get fixed, I've decided to woman up and get used to typing on mobile. Despite the discomfort I feel.

Aside from that however, I have some good news! I am down to my last two requests in this book and pretty soon, the request line will open up again! I know how much you guys have been waiting to request and I cannot wait to get new ideas from you all.

Okay, I'm going to shut up now.

Kyoko Kirigiri

-She was up late doing some detective paperwork, when you stumbled into her office with a tired grin.

- "S/O, it's like 2 am, why're you still up?"

-"Because I want to sleep with youuuu..."

-With that dragging slur at the end of your sentence, Kirigiri smiled lightly and got up. Already seeing how delirious you were from staying awake.

- "Back to bed you go.." she was about to drag you back to bed when you sluggishly leaned against her slender build. Acting like you were drunk off of drowsiness as you practically forced your girlfriend to carry you there.

-You ended up falling asleep in her arms and she had no choice but to stay with you because you were clinging to her like a pillow.

-Not like she minded.

Aoi Asahina

-Hina invited you out to do a late night jog. You agreed at the time because you weren't feeling really sleepy.

-Boy were you wrong.

-After a while outside, you ended up nodding off in delirious slumber as your girlfriend watched in amusement.

-"S/O~" she teasingly poked your nose in an effort to wake you up. Laughing when you flinched before dozing off again.

- "Alright, I guess that's enough exercise for tonight. Come on babe! We're off to sleepy time!"

-She crouched in front of you and practically begged for you to get on her back. Piggybacking you all the way home despite your cute and sleepy denial.

-Snuggles you like no tomorrow.

Sayaka Maizono

-The two of you were currently on tour for one of Sayaka's biggest gigs, and the next city over was quite a long way ahead.

-Sayaka watched as you dozed off for the past half hour. Snickering behind her hand as she watched your head bump into the window for like, the sixth time.

- "O-Ow!" you winced and rubbed your forehead, making your girlfriend cringe.

- "S/O, why don't you lie down in my lap. I can guarantee that it's a lot softer than the limousine window."

-Hesitant at first, you lied down on her plush thighs and dozed off to sleep. Your girlfriend smiling as she ran her fingers through your hair.

-Her humming is very quiet and melodic.

Celestia Ludenberg

-Sometimes gambles at the casino would take a while. Especially since they often took place at night.

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