DR1 Girls React to S/O Being Covered in Bruises

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Requested by: Plouf00

I chose to write for the DR1 girls because they are severely underrated and need more love.

FYI: The full context of the request is that S/O comes home covered in bruises because she was busy beating up people who were making fun/targeting her girlfriend. 

Kyoko Kirigiri 

-Even if you tried to hide them, Kyoko would spot them from a mile away. 

- "S/O, you're wincing, what's wrong--" she cautiously lifted up part of your shirt and gasped when she saw the dark patterns of purple. 

- "Some guys were making fun of you..." you mumbled, biting your lip in frustration. 

- "So they beat you up?" she couldn't care less about the guys making fun of her. She was just worried for your overall safety. 

- "No, I beat them up!" you exclaimed proudly. "I overheard them making rude remarks about you, so I walked right up and socked them in the face!"

-A bit touched by your idiocy, Kyoko sighed and caressed your face. 'This idiot...'

- "That's very idiotic of you..." she whispered, closing her eyes. 

- "But thank you, I appreciate it."

-Kissed your cheek to show thanks. 

Aoi Asahina

-Almost screamed when she saw you. 

- "Who hurt you and who do I have to beat up?!"

-Her voice got scary towards the end, and you have to calmly explain to her that you were beating up some people who were talking behind her back.

- "And they did THAT to you? Nu-uh, I'm about to beat these bitches up--"

-Well you never heard her swear like that before, so you found it kinda hot...

-That moment of attractiveness died down immediately when you saw her storm out of the house. An angry look in her eyes as she raced down the street. 

- "AOI NO--"


-Power couple. 

Sayaka Maizono

- "S/O what happened-- who did this to you?!"

-You didn't even have a chance to hide them, she noticed right away. 

- "Some of your so-called 'fans' were talking about you behind your back...and some were..." you scrunched up your nose in disgust, "disgustingly perverted..."

-Sayaka pieced two and two together and gasped. "S/O, you really didn't have to do that! I'm used to it, it's normal in the idol industry--"

-You frowned, "Well I had to do something. Especially since we're dating..." you looked off to the side in slight guilt. 

-Despite how idiotic you were, Sayaka sighed and smiled. Peppering your face with light kisses. 

- "I-I-- Sayaka...!"

- "Despite how stupid you can be, you always do it for me..." 

-Then she kissed you properly on the lips. 

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